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4 June 2017
Happy birthday Michael
Jenai ( your devoted sister )
29 June 2009
Hi Mikey,
I saw this picture and it really made me think of you and your off beat sense of humor ,so I thought youd get a kick out of it if I posted it to your flowers for anyone that might visit. So I hope they all dont take it the wrong way but if they do I will quote you in any similar circumstance .. And I quote” F_ck em if they cant take a joke lol, I miss you brother. Ps , I saw Erin today and she is ok i guess, It relly breaks my heart that I cant save her from herself poor baby I love her so much but I had to hang up my cape or die wearing it . If only she could see how much I would do for her if she just wasnt so angry at me for things mom dumped on us (all 5 of us) Its fucked up that you arent here to help me help them and though I undedrstand your pain as well as anyone on earth BUT DONT THINK YOUR OFF THE HOOK Im still mad at you for leaving me here to deal withHAVING TO WITNESS THE SLOW DECAY OF OUR SIBLINGSAND ALL THE SHIT MOM PUT ON US.iTS HARD TO BE THE VILLIAN TO THE SAME PEOPLE i GAVE SO MUCH OF MYSELF TO PROTECT .AND WOULD GIVE ANYTHING TO HELP THEM AS LONG AS IT DOESNT MEAN LETTING THEM DESTROY ME AND MY KIDS ANYMORE. this allis all so screwed up but hey at least ourdays here are numbered and in a few years we will l all be together anyway . so to quote you again f_ck it I will do the time here with tem in spirit and deal with what comes all by myself until a miracle happens and I can make things better or I die which ever comes first. . but hey somebody has to be the scapegoat I GUESS GOD OR THE DEVIL MOM MADE A BARGAIN WITH DECIDED TO GIVE THAT JOB TO ME . anyways as always you are always here in my heart and each passing day your memory remains vividly in my mind . I love you ya big lughead. til next time your loving and overwhelmed with grief Sister, Jenai and heres that photo I hope it makes to your memorial. [note from no photo was attached]
super chicken <>
3 June 2009
Happy Birthday Michael,
And yet another lonely boring shitty year without you and I still when I think of you cant help but cry when I think of how different life might be if you were still alive . I keep wishing you were gonna walk in and save the day the way you always did even if no onehad called you ,.you just instinctively knew how when and where what was needed and it poof! it got done. no worrys just simple common sense and good timing along with your humor and willingness to pitch in and do all you could to lighten the load . You really knew how to make it all better . and believe me when I say that theres a serious shortage of that in the people I know these days . They just have no sense ofcompasion or awareness of those and how they effect thodse around them nor do they seem tohave any sense of honor when it comes to family or keeping thier word or doing whats right .Its all about them everything to satisfy themselves and the things they will do to do it have no boundary. pretty much opposite of the way you were.and all you believed in. when I think about it all I see how much it kinda sucks really not just for me but people in general cause no one can count on anyone for much of anything anymore. well at least you know your still appreciated for who you were and what made you so special to me .very sad but true. anyway. I just wanted to stop and take time once again to express here in this special place that the memory of you has as much presence in my daily life now as the day you left this world. ny way I just wanted to stop and once again remindyouofhowmissed you really are and to tell you I wish you were here and that I need you and Im pissed that your not here . but at the same time im kinda glad you dont have to see how fucked up everything is if you dont already know. I wish I had something good to say about everyone ,but I cant hink of much at te moment well maybe tomorrow . Ill work on that one . See just talking to you makes me see that Im sniveling and I need to buck up and find something to be grateful for. ok Ill work on it . and Ill be back tomorrow . I love you , and Happy Birthday Master Michael , Ill be thinking of you all day Happy Birthday and Cheers as always with all my love
Your sister Jenai
20 November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving Michael. Your sons are grown up and they are a reflection of you and I. They are so smart, masculine men who are annointed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Although I am proud of the academic achievements and successes. I am more pleased at their devotion to the Lord. 11/20/07
Carol L. Dodd <>
“Jenai Herod” (
03 September, 2004
My Best Friend and Brother Michael,
I know you’ve been gone now 15 years yet I cant help feeling as if you never really left, So I am going to share some exciting news with you. I want to share with you that I finally met a man who actually seems to possess the qualities that I thought I would never find in anyone else but you. Michael It has taken me so long to find someone that could live up to your examples of what a man is really about and should be to those he cares for.I am so lucky to know he loves me as deeply and sincerely and completely as you would expect from any man that you would want for me. And equally as devoted as you to your wife and family. I am only sorry he is not able to know you as I do and the pleasure of your friendship, strengths, your wit and charm, sense of humor and your fine example of manhood that you have always been. I think you would be pleased with my new life partner and impressed with his strength and commitment and loyalty to what is right and his love for me and my family. What a terrible thing that he cannot know you to call you brother as I have had. God how I wish you were here to walk me down the isle and to give me away to the man I love and wish to marry. I love and miss you so much Michael and I know if there is any way for you to show me somehow that you are with me on that special day, You will succeed as you have so many times before when I really needed you. Speaking of signs… I want to Thank you for all those times recently when I was feeling so scared and alone and I needed you. You found a way to reach me thru a song only you could have chosen & Instantly knew you were there for me at that moment in time. and I could feel the warmth of your presence comforting me as only you knew how to do. my fear and pain was gone even if only for that moment. Thank you for watching over me like a guardian Angel, for guiding me, and protecting me from danger, for comforting me, and for the fun times we share when you visit me in my dreams. No one will ever take your place in my heart. Thank you Michael for remaining my friend and my hero. I Love you my brother with all my heart and soul now and till the end of time.
Your Devoted loving Sister,
21 October, 2001
My Brother,
I wanted to tell you I saw your sons this week and how proud of them you must be. They are both strong and healthy and beautiful,kind and smart as only your Sons could be. A true reflection of you. I cant help but see how much they remind me of you .It comforts me to see your spirit so alive and well in them My Brother. I wanted to tell you that I hugged them and that I reminded them just how special they really are. and I told them how much you love them. I will never let them forget this . I have not forgotten my promise to you Michael .I will always keep them close to you and you to them. Close to our hearts as you have always kept us . I miss you Michael more than ever. I know you are still watching over us I can feel your presence every day and I love you. Until Next time, Your Loving Sister, Jen’ai
david dodd (
06 July, 2000
hi dad its me david i really miss you its to bad your not here i really miss you but i shall stay strong for i am your son and i will never forget you…no one will until then see’ya later!
“Judith M. Dodd” (
15 August, 1999
August 15, 1989 – August 15, 1999
Today is the 10th anniversary of the day you flew to heaven in angels arms. It seems like yesterday. There are no words to describe the emptyness in your familys hearts, as we miss you so much. There is no way to fill the ache in my heart as I remember your golden curls, and your very sweet and giving ways. Your sisters, Jeni, Heidi, Erin, and your brother, David, and friends, Brett, and Brian, and me, your Mom, held a Memorial vigil for you, we all told stories of our happy experiences and memories, that we shared with you, while you walked with us on Earth. You are remembered every day, and every minute. You have become our St. Michael, and I keep a candle lit to watch your spirt shine. You are the defender of God’s army and of your family. As God said to Jesus, You are my son, with whom I am well pleased. Rest in Peace my son, and remember, how much you are loved. We feel your presence all around us, protecting and loving us all the time. Until we meet at heaven’s gate, Your loving and devoted Mother, and Family.
Jenai (
10 July, 1999
Missing you more now than ever yet I know your always nearby and watching over me. How lucky I have been to have been blessed with you for a friend a brother a hero and always my knight in shining armour, I miss you terribly and I hold the memories of our childhood and friendship near my heart I’ll always love you and need you and will always feel the sadness of your absence in my daily life.
I love you, your sister and friend,
Judith M. Dodd (
27 November, 1998
My sweet son, Michael,
Your family celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, your spirit was truly with us. When we said our prayers, we remembered your zest and love of the Thanksgiving family dinner. You were missed very much, but, we felt your spirit of approval, as the lamb and the lion sat down together, with your brother David with Michelle, sister Heidi, brother-in-law, Michael, Mom, and so very important, your Dad. It was a beautiful day, and the first time since 1972 that we came together and said our prayers of thanks. The scars are healing, son, and we felt your loving approval, as well as the love you gave to us all. Sleep with the angels, my son, we love you. Momma
Lea (
20 November, 1998
Einstein said we can travel the speed of light if we start at that speed. Thinking about it I gave my Hog more gas trying to outrun the thunder of my own mufflers. So here I am flying down the highway of life when a giant road bump suddenly appears out of nowhere. I’m going too fast to do anything about it, can’t even slow down. I do what I can, meaning I hang on and hope nothing essential falls off. I hit the bump hard and feel my machine disintragate beneath me. My body objects to its sudden more personal introduction to the concrete.
I wake up in the middle of the highway, on my back, staring at the thick white clouds sailing overhead. Spread eagled, I’m pushing the clouds around with my mind and suddenly find myself in 1999, or not! Reflection seems to be rampant this time of year and I’m no different. Things just aren’t the same. Gee, Toto, this isn’t Kansas! I can’t move but I think I can still think.
Take the fifties for example. The birth of rock-n-roll, 57 chevys, the Kinsey Report (girls like sex too, imagine that!). The really great thing about the fifties was those of us who were there KNEW it was special. I’m sure the nineties are special too! It’s hard to imagine what the millennium will bring, but what the hell…let’s do it!
P. D. Ospinsky, a Russian philosopher, spoke of a seventh dimension, the one you experience from under water. When you look up your vision is refracted. I think there is another version of that dimension for kids at Christmas time. It’s the dimension they see when they stare into a glittering Christmas bulb hanging from a decorated tree. I was a kid in the fifties and had dimensional refracted vision. I wish I had it now…I think I felt my toe move.
The sun is about level with the highway and everything’s deep red. Motorcycle parts are scattered everywhere…looks like a yard sale. A little bruised and battered but it seems like I’ll make it through another year. I’ll see the millinium…who knew? This is the kind of conversations we used to have, Michael, remember? I miss you, son.
Love, Dad.
Jen’ai (
08 March, 1998
A song for my brother…my best friend and my hero…..I love you more today than yesterday yet much less than tomorrow …………. you are still and always # 1 in my heart and I am proud to call you MY BROTHER
your loving sister
Not A day Went By he did not break down and cry
wondering how without his family he’d survive
His love was so true, so much more than they knew
He begged and he pleaded did whatever was needed,
We all know who’s to blame
Foresaking his love is our shame
and it’s too late now,
Only Angels can comfort Michael’s pain
When I see his face in photograph, I can’t hold back my tears
and yet sometimes it puts a smile back on my face
I can still hear his laughter how I wish he could be here
the gentle giant of our lives protecting us from all our fears
Our lives won’t be the same
Forsaking his love is our shame
And it’s too late now…..
only Angels can comfort Michael’s pain
Yes it’s too late now …..
I miss you
Judith Marie Dodd (
28 February, 1998
Thinking of our Michael Lee,
I needed to let you know that you are missed so much. Your brothers, sisters, neices and nephews, your sons, and your mom, feel your presence deep in our hearts. We love you so very much. Love your Mother, Judy—In the Beginning God created the world.
Judith Marie Dodd
25 December, 1997
My son, it’s Christmas day 1997. You are in all our thoughts and prayers. We love you.
M. Tsamba (
10 November, 1997
Tonight, I’ll pray for you and your family.
Juddith Marie Dodd (
11 Oct 1997
I send my love to you, dispatched, in the arms of the angels, missing you,loving you, every day, every hour, and every moment. You are a son, in which I am so proud . Your life sparkled with humanity, love, and honor. I trust that you are walking side by side with Jesus and the saints, as always, living up to your name, Michael. Love always, Mom
Joey Jacobs (
9 June 1997
To the family of Michal Dodd:
I know what you are going through to lose a loved one so close, for I lost my dad when I was ten, 5 years ago, and I know it is rough, but hang in there for michal is not gone but with you now more than ever. And always remember to stay by your family, for that is something I will never have again. Peace be with your family and loved ones,
Joey Jacobs
Dad (
Tue, 10 Dec 1996
Christmas is a time for remembering loved ones and pausing to reflect on what was and how things may have been. Michael always made Christmas very special with his humor and his smile. He made every day special in the same way. We miss him.
Love, Dad
Dan Chupinsky (
Tue, 19 Nov 1996
Do not stand by my grave and weep..... I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am a diamond glint on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awake in the morning hush, I am the swift upflinging rush of quiet birds' circling flight. I am the soft star shine at night. Do not stand by my grave and cry.... I am not there I did not die. Author Unknown
Wed, 09 Oct 1996
To the family of Michael Dodd:
Although I do not know you, my thoughts are with you. I too lost a loved one who was Michael’s age and who also died in 1989. He was my best friend and I know how you must feel losing someone so precious in your life.
I hope that you can remember Michael the way that he would want you to; happy and alive, and with no regrets. Please take care and remember that others are thinking of you.
Erin Dodd (
Sun, 19 May 1996
In loving memory of my brother, Michael.
Aunt Joyce Jewel (
Wed, 21 Aug 96
Beloved Nephew Michael,
Michael you are loved, missed and remembered by your family everyday. I pray that you have found whatever you were wanting in your few years here. I love you.