
Christopher Anderson Bowden ✵ 1969-1994

Name at birth:    Christopher Anderson Bowden 
Date of birth:    4 August 1969 
Place of birth:   Abilene, Texas 
Date of death:    14 October 1994 
Place of death:   Camp Robinson, Arkansas 
Place of burial:  Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana

Submitted by: Gerald Bowden, GNJP84A (Prodigy)

When Chris graduated from high school in 1988, he felt he wasn’t ready to go to college so he enlisted into the US Army. During his three years, he rose to the rank of Sergeant and was an army Ranger and senior paratrooper. Upon his discharge, he enrolled at Indiana University. He also joined the Indiana Nat’l Guard – also as an air-borne Ranger. On the night of October 14, 1994, his parachute failed in a night jump with his unit and he died instantly. Chris leaves his parents, Colonel and Mrs. Gerald Bowden and his sister, Elizabeth, a law student at Indiana University in Indianapolis. Chris was also a member of the Sigma Nu Fraternity at IU and a member of his fraternities Little 500 Bike Team. He was scheduled to graduate in May 1995. Chris also leaves many friends who mourn his death.

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