
Christopher Anderson Bowden ❀ Visitors & Flowers

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Churchill (
20 October, 2023
Sua Sponte Chris. One for the Airborne Ranger in the sky.
07 November, 2000
These flowers are for you Christopher Bowden so young, and with so much promise. It must have been very difficult for your Mother to lose you. May you rest in peace till you are called by our Lord.

Susan Curlee (
Thu, 03 Oct 1996

I too am from Texas and very recently lost my 24 year old son, Jason, who was in the U. S. Navy, stationed in Maryland, when he died. My God surround you with his eternal love, and may you know that your son is at peace.

Tue, 2 Apr 1996

My Christopher Steven Reddell, age 2 days, born 28 July, 1963. I never got to hold him and kiss his precious little face, but I will in Heaven, someday. I’m glad you had your, Christopher, for a longer time. I know how much you adored him. Peace to you, dear ones.

Mrs. Susan L Folle (
Sat, 16 Mar 1996

A bouquet of spring flowers for Christopher. You left your family in the spring of your life, too soon. When your Dad speaks of you with such love, we all feel that we know you. Your family’s words are a continual tribute to your young life and the person that you are.