
Thomas Larson Bodnarczuk ✵ 2002-2021

Name at birth: Thomas Larson Bodnarczuk
Date of birth: May 16, 2002
Place of birth: Denver, Colorado
Date of death: May 2, 2021
Place of death: Campbell, California
Resting place: Ryssby Cemetery, Longmont, CO
Submitted by: Mark Bodnarczuk (


Thomas was born at 10:18 am at Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center in Denver, Colorado. His first home was on Lake Dillon in Frisco, Colorado, at 9,000-foot elevation in the high-country of Summit County. When Thomas was two-years old, we moved to a log home that we built on a 40-acre parcel of land, south of Breckenridge, at 10,300-foot elevation in Park County, Colorado. At that time, Park County only had two traffic lights, and the county was twice the size of Rhode Island. From the time he was a tiny child, Thomas had a deep and abiding love for Colorado – fresh air, clear skies, snow-capped peaks, lots of snow, deep blue mountain lakes, crystal clear streams, enormous remote wilderness areas to camp and hike in, and the laid-back, high-country feeling of the Rocky Mountains.

Thomas was baptized at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Breckenridge, Colorado on Sunday, April 27, 2003, and he made a public profession of faith on March 3, 2013, at First Presbyterian Church in Boulder, Colorado where he said the following: “I was baptized in the Episcopal Church in Breckenridge when I was 11 months old. My parents made promises for me about bringing me up in a Christian home and leading me to faith in God when I was too young to understand. Now I’m old enough to understand things about God on my own, so I told my dad and mom that I wanted to talk about my faith in front of the church. One of my favorite scriptures is John 3:16; ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.’ So today I say on my own, that Jesus is my savior and I want to live for him.”

Thomas was a deep feeling, empathic, and perceptive person who was attuned to his own emotions and the emotions of others. He had character, a conscience, a sense of wanting things to be fair and equitable in life, and relationships. He had a deep sense of integrity. For Thomas, “integrity” was not perfection. Rather, integrity was a commitment to course correction; to coming back to the principles, values, and inner truths that he believed in after he had said or done something that he regretted. Thomas made some wrong decisions, but over time, he would have found his way, his calling, and his destiny in life, if that life had not been taken from him so soon.

Thomas was “edgy” and stood apart from many societal expectations, exhibiting an unconventional type of wisdom that exceeded his years. He was most himself when he was alone in his room – surrounded by walls that were covered with signed posters of his favorite bands, paper tickets from concerts he had been to, and pictures of his family and friends. Thomas was also famous for his “collections” and gathering complete sets of things like comic books, Thomas the Tank Engine trains, Puffles, vinyl LP albums of his favorite bands that he played on his turntable, Lego sets, Pokémon cards, and tee shirts from his favorite bands.

Thomas had little need to judge or try to change others, rather he always tried to notice and understand them because of his deep and abiding respect for his own (and others’) personal boundaries. He sought-out kids (often younger kids) who were being ignored, treated poorly, or marginalized by the “in-crowd” and befriended them, helped them feel accepted for who they were, and often these people became some of his closest and longest lasting friendships.

For the last five years of his life, Thomas and his family attended the Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos (PCLG) where Thomas was active in the youth group and made friends with many people who loved him dearly. Thomas made three trips to Mexico with PCLG to build homes alongside families in need, with the goal of keeping families together. The PCLG high school youth group also led two “Love of God” (L.O.G) retreats annually where high school students shared about God’s love in Jesus Christ with their peers. Thomas’ Eagle Scout project involved designing and constructing a lighting system for the redwood grove on the PCLG campus, which allows the church to use this newly lighted space for evening activities and services.

Thomas had a deep thirst for knowledge, and to understand what life is about, and this led him to the YouTube videos and writings of Jordon Peterson. Thomas and his dad, Mark, already had an on-going dialogue about deep matters of psychology, faith, science, truth, and life during “boy-times,” so Thomas introduced his dad to Peterson’s work and suggested that they read him together. Thomas and his dad read and discussed Peterson’s first book, Maps of Meaning, his second book, 12 Rules for Life, and they were in the process of reading Peterson’s new book, Beyond Order when Thomas died.

Thomas was a light that burned brightly. In the 18 years that he lived; he had a powerful impact on the lives of countless people. Over his years as a scout, he did numerous community service projects. Thomas had a heart for the poor, needy, and destitute. For the last 12 years, Thomas sponsored a young Ethiopian boy named Daniel with his own money through Compassion International – a Christian non-profit organization that works to positively impact the long-term development of children living in poverty. Thomas also had a burden for, and helped support, one of the poorest, most neglected cross-sections of American society, Native Americans. Thomas loved his mother Elin, and his father, Mark, from the bottom of his heart, and they loved him more than life itself.

The complete story of Thomas’ life and death is described in Mark Bodnarczuk’s forthcoming memoir entitled, Finding New Life After the Death of My Son, available worldwide on websites like

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Timothy Hal Grandey ✵ 1957-2021

Tim Grandey, taken October 31, 2021

Name at birth: Timothy Hal Grandey
Date of birth: July 23, 1957
Place of birth: McMinnville, TN
Date of death: June 6, 2021
Place of death: Woodbury, TN
Resting place: His daughter is currently in possession of his ashes.
Submitted by: Savannah Grandey Knies






Tim Grandey ended his life on June 6, 2021, after an extended illness. Tim was the third child of Philip and Willodene (Tuck) Grandey. A native of Warren County, TN, Tim spent his early childhood in McMinnville before moving to Florida with his family, where he graduated from Vero Beach High School. He received degrees from Freed-Hardeman University and Middle Tennessee State University. He taught history, geography, and civics at high school and college levels. Tim was a lifelong member of the Church of Christ and loved singing during worship. Tim had one child (Savannah) with his former wife Shannon (Smith) Grandey. Tim became a grandfather 7 weeks before his death.

Tim is loved and remembered as someone fully human with strengths, weaknesses, flaws, desires, beliefs, and dreams. He is mourned and missed in ways that seem unending. He carries on through the lives of those he impacted, and the depth of his love, though not always expressed during his life, will continue to have a profound effect on the living.

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Thomas Michael Landish ❀ Visitors & Flowers

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December 18 2023

Been a long year since you’ve been gone. I’ve been alone here. I’ve grown old. I keep a journal of memories. Feeling lonely, can’t breathe. The year’s gone by with more to go. Will the memories die? I’m waiting. Every time I’m falling down, all alone I fall to pieces.
Sad anniversary of your death.

Linda Scott

September 25 2023

Hi Sweetie, last night I read some of your emails. I miss you so much. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. My heart is broken. I wish we had had more time. Love you always.

Linda Scott

May 31 2023

I’m missing you so much. It’s so hard. I wish we could have had another 5 years. I look at your picture and remember us together.

Linda Scott

April 24 2023

Missing you every day. I look at your pictures. This one is from your trip to Alaska. How you loved it there! Wish we could have gone together. I think of you and long for you every day.

Linda Scott

April 2 2023

I’m listening to oldies like we used to do. Wonderful times never forgotten.

Picture of you fishing.

Love you!

Linda Scott

February 12 2023

Miss you so much. I wish we had one more time together. I am hoping to get some keepsakes. I feel you near me. I hope we will be together again sometime. Love and miss you. Flower #8

Linda Scott

January 3 2023

You are missed so much. I think of you every minute of every day. Here’s a picture of your house where we spent such wonderful times.















Linda Scott

January 1 2023 Flower #1












Linda Scott

Thomas Michael Landish ✵ 1947-2022

Name at birth: Thomas Michael Landish
Date of birth: July 26, 1947
Place of birth: Monongahela PA
Date of death: December 18, 2022
Place of death: Washington PA
Resting place: Ashes spread in Lake Erie
Submitted by: Linda Scott (

My dearest left me just before Christmas. He died suddenly in a nursing home after suffering a stroke. He was the best man, and he is missed and still loved.

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Lieselotte Hildegard Scheuermann ✵ 1927-2015

Name at birth: Lieselotte Hildegard Scheuermann
Date of birth: September 20, 1927
Place of birth: Mannheim, Germany
Date of death: April 11, 2015
Place of death: Pascagoula, Mississippi
Resting place: Remains donated to University of Mississippi Medical Center
Submitted by: Albert Pettigrew

Lisa, a kind and gentle soul troubled by a storm within her heart, survived World War II in Germany immigrated to United States and was loved by many. She is forever missed.

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Kim Tsiplakov ✵ 1929-2022

Name at birth: Kim Tsiplakov
Date of birth: 13 September 1929
Place of birth: Danilkino Russia
Date of death: 13 July 2022
Place of death: Israel
Resting place: Modi’in Cemetery, Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut, Israel
Submitted by: Inna Tsiplakov

Ким Иванович Цыплаков
13.09.1929 – 13.07.2022

Он был шестым и самым младшим ребёнком в дружной крестьянской семье. Родился уже при советской власти и поэтому ему дали модное, почти корейское имя, которое на самом деле означало сокращение от Коммунистический Интернационал Молодёжи.
Его родное село Данилкино (Саратовской губернии) было основано молоканами в 1832 году.
Отец Иван Елисеевич Цыплаков, зажиточный крестьянин, ненавидел царизм скорее всего по причине религиозных гонений. Поэтому после революции он присоединился к отряду зелёных, который со временем покраснел и влился в армию Будённого. Благодаря своим армейским связям ему удалось избежать раскулачивания в начале тридцатых годов. Пришлось бросить дом и хозяйство и перебраться в Царицын-Сталинград. Так Иван Елисеевич из крестьянина превратился в рабочего на заводе Баррикады.
Несладко пришлось семье Цыплаковых во время Сталинградской битвы. После нескольких месяцев под обстрелами, голода и жизни в подвале семье удалось сбежать в город Балашов. В 1943 мать Варвара Тихоновна Цыплакова (Мозгунова) умерла от голода и болезни.
После войны Ким закончил 8 классов средней школы в Сталинграде и поступил в Казанское Военное Авиационно Техническое Училище. После окончания училища получил звание техника-лейтенанта и начал службу в Белоруссии.
Так Ким попал в Барановичи.
Чтобы продвинуться по службе Ким должен был получить аттестат зрелости. Пришлось пойти в вечернюю школу. Английский там преподавала молодая привлекательная учительница, еврейка, бывшая узница концлагеря Освенцим Женя (Евгения Матвеевна) Брук.
Они полюбили друг друга. И их любовь дала плоды. Сын Митя родился в 1963 году.
Десять лет прожили в Рязани а после выхода Кима в отставку вернулись в Барановичи.
Они сильно любили друга и были вместе пока смерть не разлучила их. В 1992 году Жени не стало.
В 1994 году Ким вместе с семьёй сына перебрался в Израиль. Сначала жили в Ашдоде, потом в Петах-Тикве, а с 1997 года в Модиине.
В Израиле Ким жил полноценной жизнью. Присматривал за внуками, участвовал в работе тель-авивского Клуба Ветеранов Войны, ездил на всевозможные концерты и экскурсии.
Последние несколько лет годы стали давать о себе знать, развилась деменция.
Поэтому не удалось справиться с коронавирусом.
Светлая память.

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