Name at birth: Jessica Renee Carr Date of birth: 17/12/80 Place of birth: Torrington, Connecticut, USA Date of death: 27/2/81 Place of death: Hartford, Connecticut Place of burial: An urn in my home: Sandisfield, Massachusetts, USA
Submitted by: Anita Carr (
Jessica was born with a malignant tumor in and around her spinal cord. She was not diagnosed until she was 21 days old. She spent time at the UConn Health Center in Farmington Connecticut and also at Hartford Hospital. In spite of the disease, she was a wonderful baby with an obvious personality. She died in my arms on February 27, 1981. She was two and a half months old. (If she had to die, I’m so glad that I was there!)
I still think about her a lot. She was my only daughter. I miss her. She had one brother, J.P. Carr and one step brother Jason Carr. Less than a year after her death, Colin Odell Carr was born — her younger brother. Jessica’s dad was James M. Carr. She will always be missed, but if it were possible for her to look in on me — I think that she would like what she would see. Because I have experienced my daughter’s birth, life, and death, I am a different person. She has impacted my life. I’m much stronger than I have ever been. My passions are stronger. My appreciation for life and all its ups and downs is stronger. And my awareness of life’s finiteness is more acute. I will always miss her, but I’m glad that I got to experience the short time that she had.
I am Jessica’s mom — Anita Carr
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