
Haishan Dong ✵ 1908-1997 & Shuqing Kou ✵ 1923-2015

Haishan Dong

Name at birth: Haishan Dong
Date of birth: November 1908
Place of birth: Tianjin, China
Date of death: November 1997
Place of death: Tianjin, China
Resting place: Tianjin, China


Shuqing Kou

Name at birth: Shuqing Kou
Date of birth: 26 November 1923
Place of birth: Tianjin, China
Date of death: 12 January 2015
Place of death: Nankai DT, Tianjin, China
Resting place: Nankai DT, Tianjin, China
Submitted by: Xiaowan Dong



Grandma and Grandpa, Dad and I hold precious every second we spend together.

You love us so much, even more than yourself. Not just us, you love everyone you care about more than yourselves.

We will always remember the scenes where grandma sit in the chair sewing clothes or grandma walked near our house with the adult walker, and grandpa looking at us with a big smile on his face.

We miss you so much that we cannot use any words in the world to express how much we miss you.

Rest in peace, grandma and grandpa.

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