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Peggy Cowick (
27 May, 2012
Happy Memorial Day Dad. Wish you were here healthy and enjoying it with us. I know you would be so proud of Lauren. She is 18 now and graduating high school, with almost perfect grades! She is so much like you. I’m moving back home, well back to SC. It just feels like I belong there. I love you and miss you so much. I think of you everyday day and will continue to look for our “signs”. Love, your daughter, Peggy PS BP
24 February, 2007
I miss you a TON….i miss hanging out with you and being able to talk to you….i just turned 13 last weekend and i miss you a lot….i think you are still with me wherever you are……i miss you so much……give grandma a hug for me i love you and miss you
Peggy Cowick (
31 January, 2007
Hi Dad, Goes without saying how much I miss you but I know you are with me in so many ways. Please watch over Lauren tomorrow as she goes to have her surgery. I love you. Peggy
“Peggy” (
27 November, 2002
I love you Dad. Happy Thanksgiving. Hug Mom for me.
Martha Comberrel (
15 January, 2002
Miss you more than stars in the sky. Love, martha
“Peggy Cowick” (
15 January, 2002
Dad, I love you so much. I Am working on a place for Mom right there with you. I think I have the perfect picture to use. I am reading a book that is helping me to realize that you may have left physically but you are and will continue to be with us. Please watch over us, hugs and kisses to you too Mom. I promise you’ll have your site soon also. When my heart feels empty I give Lauren a big hug and think of wonderful thoughts of the both of you. I love you.
11 January, 2002
Hello Mom and Dad,
Mom I am working on your Memorial. Just cant find the right picture so far. I know how you were about pictures….I miss and love the both of you so much. Just had your 1/9 anniversary Wednesday. It was rough to get through….but we are tough….we can do it right. I feel your presence around me when times get tough. Please be watching over Mike Z….Bonita passed last week. I miss you…Love you …..bippe.
Your loving daughter.
05 December, 2001
Well Dad, it’s me again. I am sure you and Mom had quite a reunion on 11/10. Although I miss her dearly I am sure she is with you in a better place now. I dream of you two often. Once in a while I can smell your Old Spice and I can’t smell the scent of a fireplace burning wood that doesn’t bring back good memories. I am so thankful you were the parents that you were. At least Martha and I have great memories of fun and the love we all shared. God Bless You Both and May Peace Be With You. I love you forever.
— Peggy Cowick
30 October, 2000
Dad, I love and miss you more than ever. Please Dad be looking over me and our family. We need your support. Love, Peggy
11 February, 2000
Well it’s almost Valentine’s Day. I miss you so much. When I feel all alone and sad I know you are in my heart and always will be and I feel better. Please send me a sign Dad, I need to hear from you. Mom and Martha are both doing much better. I am hanging in there. BEEPEE !!!!!
Love you,
Martha Comberrel (
26 July, 2000
Sure do miss you dad. Pray for our family. We need your guidance. Love, Martha
10 April, 2000
Guess you have more company up there with Bob. Saw Aunt Daisy and Maude last week. We all miss you so much. Can’t harly wait till I see Peggy and Lauren next week. Your daughter, Martha Ann
21 March, 2000
Happy Birthday, Dad. I miss you so much. Your daughter, Martha Ann
24 February, 2000
Hello Dad – I miss you. Need help with Christopher that only that look in your eye can do. Love you, Martha Ann
11 February, 2000
Hi Dad, Mom seems to be really happy at Riverside. It’s a decision that was so hard to make. I miss her and hearing her fuss at me. I miss you too Dad. I miss our talks and walks thru the woods. I thank you for the drop of water on my windshield while I was driving thru Fazolis. I pray that you are at peace and heaven is all that and a bag of chips. I think of you so much, especiall when I am with mom. She has your picture on her wall. It is right below Laurens, and you can tell she’s ours because of her smile and red hair. Gotta get to work. Watch over me, I love you more than ever, your daughter, Martha Ann.
24 January, 2000
Dad, I love you and miss you lots!
21 January, 2000
Things here are begining to settle now. I went to Hawaii like you always wanted to and I think you were probably with me. Your luggage was 😀 I didn’t think you would mind. I miss you so much. Sure could use your advice on alot of things… from yardwork to personal decisions. I love you and your remain the man in my life.
01 December, 1999
Dear Dad,
Well I made it to California. Wish you could have been here to help christen the house… I know you were here in my heart. I love you and I miss you.
Martha Comberrel (
27 October, 1999
Miss you more every day. May you always shine your warmth and loving upon your family left behind. I love you, 4ever – Martha Ann
26 October, 1999
Dad I miss you
20 August, 1999
Hi Dad, Really miss you. Mom is doing better with her last knee shot. It has been a real battle. Beauty shop tomorrow. You know the route. I miss you Dad. You will be in my heart 4ever, Martha Ann
29 July, 1999
My dearest Dad, Why can’t I communicate with Peggy? It seems that we want the same things but we can’t get it across to each other. I’m doing the best I know how. I just can’t be you. 4ever-martha ann
22 July, 1999
Hey Pops, Sure wish you were here. I guess I really didn’t appreciate the good thing I had while you were here. But I did the best I could. I miss you so very much. 4ever Martha
09 July, 1999
Hi Dad, It’s just one of those days. This has been the longest 6 months I’ve ever lived. And also, the saddest. I know you’re there, but I just want to see and talk with you again. Love 4ever, Martha Ann
29 June, 1999
Dearest Dad, Thanks so much for the rainbows. One for each of your daughters. It was really special. Fathers Day wasn’t the same without seeing you, but as long as you are in my heart, you will live forever. Insight, strength and guidance are my prayers every day. 4ever, Martha Ann
15 June, 1999
My dearest Dad – It’s almost time for Fathers Day this year. Peggy and I have a date with you at the beach on Sunday. Be prepared to catch all of the shells we pitch to you. Think of you a lot and miss you every day. My projects are not the same without you and your ideas. Still have a few we discussed. I’m trying so hard and getting no where real fast. Love 4ever, Martha Ann
09 June, 1999
Give me the guidance and strength to get through to mom. I miss you in s many ways. Love 4ever, Martha Ann
07 June, 1999
Dad – The army did a good job on your marker. There are so many things that it should say about you that space doesn’t permit. It still hurts so bad and I still cry a lot. I miss you so much. Love 4ever – Martha Ann
24 May, 1999
I really don’t know how you did it all these years. Please help me bite my tongue and learn to walk away when mom is giving me a hard time. I know she doesn’t mean all those things, but it sure hurts to hear her say them. I appreciate you more than ever, Dad. I know that you loved me. 4ever, Martha Ann
19 May, 1999
I figure out your trick about the loppers. You are such a smart guy. Always building a better mousetrap. You will love in my heart 4 ever, Your daughter, Martha Ann PS– Is God a woman?
17 May, 1999
Still miss you Dad. Doesn’t seem to be getting easier. I ask for your help and guidance in trying to accept the things I can not change. 4ever, Martha Ann
13 May, 1999
Sure wish you were her to show me how to use the tree loppers. Guess I am pretty funny trying to figure it out. I have birds in my birdhouse. Send me some more for Mom to watch on the feeder. She is feeling better. We miss you lots, 4ever – Martha Ann
12 May, 1999
Dear Dad – Remember TOPAZ? 4ever Martha Ann
10 May, 1999
I am so proud of Mom. She has been going to church with us on a regular basis. She seems to enjoy it. The yard is looking better. I miss you, Dad. Martha Ann
03 May, 1999
I am really enjoying that truck. I guess you were right, an old Chevy is hard to beat. Things just aren’t the same. Miss you Dad, 4 ever martha C
30 April, 1999
Planted more irises in the garden. Remember that’s one of the areas of my yard we worked on together. Still trying ideas for a garden fence gate. Really miss your thoughts and ideas. Love, Martha Ann
28 April, 1999
Thought a lot of you Saturday night. Fried fresh croakers, cheese, and rolls. Watched a movie Friday night that reminded me of us. Meet Joe Black was a good movie about a father and his 2 daughters. You always made me feel loved. I will always remember. 4ever -mabc
26 April, 1999
Good morning Dad – Ya know some days are just better than others. Please pray for my strength and endurance. 4Ever your daughter – Martha Ann
23 April, 1999
Hi dad, lots going on this weekend. Most importantly taking mom to Susan’s to get her hair done. Just can’t imagine how much hair spray and perfume you must have smelled. Miss you lets dad. Christopher is doing ok in school. He missed you lots. Everyone does…. Love you 4 ever – Martha Ann
22 April, 1999
Took the truck out for a spin to Lowe’s last night. Mom and I jumped all the way. It make me feel closer to you to be in the truck. Just know you’re there with me. Sorry about hitting the tree, just a minor thing. Mom thought it was really funny. We talked about you while on the way to Lowe’s. I’m doing my best, dad. You took such good care of her. I’m really trying. Miss you and love you 4ever. Your daughter, Martha Ann
21 April, 1999
Hi Dad. Mom is doing well. We sure do miss you. Drove the truck this weekend. But them you know that already. Put in a good word for me up there. Tell Aunt Lillian and Uncle Paul hello. Miss you lots, Martha C
20 April, 1999
Well Dad, my other half made it past another birthday. We thought and talked about you. Everyone says it is supposed to get easier….there is NOTHING easy about loosing you. But my Loss is heaven’s gain and I know at least you are not suffering up there. I love you so very much, BEEPEE….I found the notes you left in my book :-)))) They make me smile……..
23 October, 1999
I love you very much. I dream about you all the time. We are soon moving to California, but I am sure you are aware of that already. I will be thankful to get out of Florida. NOthing but bad things have happened down here….I feel like Florida took you away from me. Dad, I love you and miss you so much. \ Peggy
19 September, 1999
I never knew I could miss someone as much as I miss you. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. When I am having a hard time I know that you are there with me… I FEEL YOU… it’s magical. I love you dearly and I know that we will be together again one day. I know that you rest in peace and you well deserve it.
04 August, 1999
Well, we are doing the best that we know how. Sometimes I get so angry that you are not here and I take it out on others. I know you would be saddened to see this happen. I am trying to work on it. It’s just that I miss you so very much. Lauren talks about you a lot. She certainly loved you a lot, as do so many others… I miss YOU. Peggy
11 July, 1999
Hi Dad,
Love you and miss you alot… Keep looking out over us.
Love, Peggy
09 July, 1999
Well it’s the 9th again… I have this dislike for 9’s lately… I am sure you understand. I miss you so much… thought of you when we went to the ballgame with Lauren. She loved it… thank you for doing things with us and letting us experience life.
27 June, 1999
Love you so much. Everything I do and see and experience reminds me of you some how. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with me. I am a better person for it.
25 June, 1999
Please help us look after Mom. I am so worried about her. I know you want us to care for her but I am not sure we can provide the type of care she needs. You always had a way of talking to her to help her to understand things… if you have any way to communicate with her Dad, please try to now… we need your help. I love you so much.
20 June, 1999
Hi Dad, Happy Father’s Day. Thank you for the rainbows (both of them) today… really made a difference. I love you and miss you. Hey Dad, “let the fat dogs eat”… Love you, Peggy
19 June, 1999
Well, we are all together in FL again…. not the same without you. We all love you and miss you so much. Of course we are all three individuals and dealing with our loss in different ways. Please give us all strength and help us to accept the things we cannot change. Happy Father’s Day, the are the greatest Dad a person could EVER have… and you are missed greatly… We are honoring you tomorrow and I know you will be with us… First, we are off to church, then to the beach… lets pick up some shells together 🙂 Dad, our lives are not the same without you… and it hurts… bad… but not near the pain we felt seeing you in pain and being unable to breath… Please be looking down on us, point us in the right direction, until we meet our eyes are pointed to the heavens looking at you… WE LOVE YOU, WE CHERISH THE MEMORIES YOU GAVE US… THANK YOU. Gotta go “feed up”.
Martha Ann and Peggy Lynne
14 May, 1999
Well Dad, Hows it going? Things here sure have been better. I continue to miss you so much. I can’t tell you how many times I have called your number… and then had to hang up when I realized that no one is there to answer. It just doesn’t seem real. And in my heart it isn’t because you will ALWAYS be there. I thank you so much for your time you gave me throughout my life. I am a better person for it. Peggy
07 May, 1999
Wish you were here. I miss you so bad. Sure could use someone to talk to the way we used to 😉
Love, Peggy
05 May, 1999
Well Dad, how’s it going? Went to the beach yesterday and thought I saw you… and there weren’t that many people on the beach… are you playing tricks on me? I love you. See-ya!
( o o )
26 April, 1999
Hi Dad, This is Peggy again. I love you. Keep finding pictures of you. Well keep watch out for it…………we need it……..
26 April, 1999
Dad, Have been working on my business plan today, but I guess you already know that…..I am trying to plan a trip to SC to check on Mom soon. I love you very much……….had a dream about you last night :-)))
25 April, 1999
Hi Dad, I have been looking at pictures of us….sure brings back memories of good times….but sure makes me want to talk to you. I love you.
23 April, 1999
Hi Dad. Love you lots. I have been trying to watch the Alexander tapes to paint a picture for you but it’s just too hard right now. I miss you too much. Hope you are painting alot of pretty pictures.
22 April, 1999
Well, I miss you more than ever. But I know you are better off…I think we are confused as a society, we rejoice at birth and morn when death comes… I bet you are laughing right now…
18 April, 1999
Dad, I had the best dream about us last night…….it was like you were here……I miss you so much…… Love, Peggy
“Mike Zimmerman” (
18 April, 1999
Hi Uncle Perry!
Was thinking of you today and smiling from the memories . . . Daisy says she misses you, too (her little brother she calls you).
Love, Mike
Martha Comberrel (
16 April, 1999
I miss you dad, Love Martha Ann
10 April, 1999
Hi Perry,
May God bless you and your family. Miss you , Armi
PS. Hope you are painting a lots!!
16 April, 1999
I love you. Just talked to Martha……. we miss you alot…Mother is fine…..
14 April, 1999
I love you Dad. Wish I could talk to you.
13 April, 1999
I love you…….
09 April, 1999
Love you more than ever. Will place real flowers tomorrow 🙂 Thinking of you alot. Mom is fine………
08 April, 1999
I love you and will keeping our entire family in my prayers…..I miss you………..
07 April, 1999
I love you Dad……Wish I could Talk to you ………..
06 April, 1999
Perry Paul Batson
Dad I miss you and I love you very much…….will talk to you soon..