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Gil Gimbel (
02 January, 2013
Hello Mama. It’s the beginning of 2013 and I still miss you after 13 years. I know you see all of us every day but it must be really great to watch Lola and Thomas playing with their PePop and GiGi! I wish you were still here with us on earth so they could see you and feel your arms around them.
I Love You and thank you for my life!
14 April, 2009
I just wanted to let you know that Whitney is married. I walked her down the aisle wearing a beautiful gown and the jewelry you gave her. She was beautiful as I’m sure you know. I so wish that you could have been on Taylor’s arm walking down that aisle. That would have made the day complete!! I love and miss you!
Hello Mama,
It’s been almost seven years now since you left us. We all miss you very much! Whitney is about to graduate from college, Broockylon is in her second year, Brittian just entered high School and Taylor is in the fifth grade. I so wish they had had more time with you and you with them. Georgia is everything I ever wanted and never deserved. She makes life worth living and holds me when I think of you. I love and miss you Mama. I’m in no hurry to join you but I do look forward to seeing you and spending eternity with my Lord and all the Saints.
23 November, 1999
This Thursday will be my first holiday without you to talk to. The hardest thing is not being able to pick up the phone, say hello Mama and have you answer – hello son. I miss you Mama! I’m sure I never said I Love You enough when you were here. But I do and I will forever. I will carry you in my heart and share you with everyone I meet – I will pass you along in the good things I do for others and to my children through the love and examples you gave me. I am a good Daddy because of you and I thank you with all my heart for that. I love and miss you so much!