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Janet Getto (
04 July, 2011
Dear Michael,
It has been eleven years since you so suddenly left us. I miss you every single day and would LOVE to hear one of your famous, “Why can’t Johnny read?” statements. Your boys are now fine young men who are both attending college. Jack is SOOOOO you!!! His brain is wired the exact same way as yours……maddening sometimes…’saddening’ others!! Dan is a great kid, too! You should be VERY proud of them. Peggy is doing well also.
Hope Mama, Dad, Uncle Bob, and all others are enjoying yourselves. You are ALL so horribly missed!!! Tell Jimmy I said hello!! I LOVE and MISS you more than words can tell…..The Sister :’-(
Nancy Sue (
15 April, 2011
Dear Michael,
Happy birthday!!! Give Mom & Dad hugs and kisses for me and enjoy your day.
I miss my “Middle Child Partner”. Now I have to carry that weight all by myself. I’m practically crying every day (and you know that’s so UNLIKE me…LOL) ‘cuz I can’t handle the pressure. L L
Love & Miss You,
08 July, 2005
Dearest Michael,
You have been away five years now. I miss you terribly and think of you many times each day. Your boys are doing very well. Peggy has two loving, respectful sons growing into fine young men. Danny just graduated from grade school in June and Jack will be a sophomore this fall. Jack wrote two very touching poems for one of his classes last fall and he told me it was okay for me to add them to your “flowers”. Thank you for all the guidance and support you continue to provide. Give Mama a HUGE hug for me… I miss you both sooooooo much!! Loads of LOVE, The Sister
Here are the poems:
I was eating a burger
Before the truck whirled across the street
And into the ditch
A nauseating feeling came across me
The truck rolling and braking, making
That breaking sound, the most fearful sound in the world
It had happened
Quickly I realized, we had crashed
I could feel the salted snow and ice
Mingling with the blood from my head
I knew we had to leave
The smell of smoke and gas from the crashed truck made me nauseous
I saw a big dent in the windshield where my unprotected head had crashed against it
My dad said something I could not hear
Thanks to the continuing crashing of cymbals and the ringing of a bell
After the ordeal I thought:
Just like the burger I was eating, I was packed in to an area I did not belong.
As I looked at his motionless body
Stiff as a fence post
Knowing, if I could just reach out and touch those warm hands he once had
Not these cold claws of death
I would be happy once again
But, I could not even do that
As I saw his motionless body
I knew that I could not hear the warm, loving voice
In the silence you could hear a fly
But he would never wake
I could not hear that voice
Or feel that warm hand ever again
He was gone and never coming back to me.
05 August, 2003
Dearest Michael,
It has been a long time since I have sent you flowers, but know that I think of you often every single day! The pain of losing you is a little more bearable, but the emptiness of your loss seems to continue to grow. I am comforted only by my belief that you are with Mama and have reconciled any differences and issues that may have plagued you in this life. Jack and Dan are doing very well. They are both honor roll students and are developing into the fine young men your Mr. Mom days encouraged. You can be VERY proud of them!!! 5305 S. Avers is no longer “in the family” except in our hearts….where it will stay FOREVER! Nancy bought a townhouse four minutes from me and we moved her last month. While preparing the house for sale, we came across some things that Mama had saved from your Cub Scout and elementary school days. We passed them on to Jack and Dan. Dad is doing well. His ability to cope with losing Mama and you is remarkable! I know it is with your help that he, (and the rest of us), has been able to move on with our lives. You live on in the hearts of ALL who so deeply love you!!! You are missed by ALL whose lives you touched and I hope that you are aware of just how many people that encompasses!!! It still saddens me to know that you were unable to realize and feel all the love while you were with us on earth, but I believe that you are FULLY aware of it now!! Give Mama a HUGE hug for me and ask her to give you one for me also. Ask Mama to cup your face with her soft, loving hands, look into your eyes, and remind you of all the love you spread and all that is held in so many hearts for you! I MISS you soooo much, and I love you soooo deeply!! Take care, Dear Brother, and keep watching over us! I feel your presence daily and it strengthens me! Thank you for being there whenever I need you! Much Love, The Sister
Bette (
11 August, 2002
Hi Mike, Saw your two beautiful sons today. They are really great boys, as were you. Miss you and love you my friend. Bette Mezydlo
04 January, 2002
Dear Dad,
It has been more than a year since you have been gone, and I think I have made a few improvements, in all sorts of ways. First, I am one year older (10), and in emotions, I have gotten sort of use to having you gone. Second, I now know how it feels to lose someone I have always been next to. I have felt sad, but I have felt that you are always next to me in a way. So I will probably write back in another year.
Jan Getto (
14 April, 2001
Happy Birthday Michael!
This is your first birthday away from us and we are hoping that you, Mama and Jim will celebrate it together. You left us just over nine months ago, and not a day goes by that I do not think of you and wish that I could call or see you. I miss you terribly and continue to hope that you have finally found the peace that eluded you in this life. I choose to believe that you have. I talked to Jack and Danny yesterday. They are doing okay. They are planning to move back to Illinois soon and are very excited about that. They continue to read everything that they can get their hands on, the enjoyment of reading being one of the legacies that you left with them. They are good kids, Michael. You did a wonderful job of getting them off to a great start in life! I know that you smile down at them daily and continue to encourage them to be strong. Know that I am thinking of you and that I wish you a VERY Happy Birthday! There was a Surprise 50th Birthday Party for me at MY house last month. I really enjoyed it, but I wish that you could have been there. I missed the razing I would have gotten from you for reaching the half-century mark. I am going to California to see Fox on Monday. We are going to spend a night in the Redwoods then go to the Sierras for a few days. We will also drive along Highway 1. It should be a very restful and healing time. Tell Mama that I love and miss her, and give her a hug for me. I LOVE YOU, Michael!! The Sister :’-( XOXO
24 February, 2001
Dear Michael,
There are plans in the works for a Family Reunion this summer at Kelsey’s. It all came about while we were gathered to say our final good-byes to you. Making “something good” out of something so very bad, was a primary motivation. We are hoping to gather all 80+ of us. There will be a pig roast, a Road Rally, a golf tournament, a fishing contest, a Hot Rum extravaganza and hopefully a a MAJOR Trivial Pursuit Tournament….I wish you were here to be on MY team….that’s my ONLY chance of being on the winning side of that game!!! I know that you and Mama will be there in spirit and we will ALL feel your presence. Jack and Dan will be spending the week there even if Peggy is unable to stay that long. They are doing okay. Jack made the Honor Roll last quarter!!! Sounds like Danny may be motivated to do the same this quarter. Jack is obviously getting the help he needs with his focusing problem. They are great kids….you should be SO proud! Give Mama a hug for me. I LOVE YOU and MISS you TERRIBLY…..The Sister XXOO
29 November, 2000
Dear Michael,
We have made it through our first Thanksgiving without you, and that was NOT easy. The “Other Brother” had the gathering at the farm and gave a toast that remembered you and Mama and reminded us that we should try to focus on the present. No one even mentioned “The Game”….I don’t know if we will EVER be able to play it again. Even if we are, it will NEVER be the same! Don borrowed a karaoke machine which turned out to be fun for all ages. I hope that you and Mama heard our rendition of “Lonesome Blues”….Mama missed it when we sang it at your house in Oak Park a few years ago because she and Dad had already left that night. It wasn’t the same without your voice in the mix, but we did the best we could. Jack and Dan were here on Saturday. They are really growing up. Jack is still denying the pain of your loss, but Dan is very expressive….as you can tell from the “flowers” he sent you that day. They both miss you terribly. We talked about many things that you did with them! They LOVE you so much!!! They are doing fine in school, and you will be happy to hear that they BOTH enjoy reading as much as you did. They have read all the Harry Potter books SEVERAL times and are anxiously awaiting the next one that Jack hopes will be out in time for his birthday in March. You have SO much to be proud of…..they reflect so many of the values that you instilled to them. Your years as “Mr. Mom” were not spent in vain and will never be forgotten!! Christmas is going to be even more difficult, but somehow we will get through it with your and Mama’s help. I think about you all the time and can’t tell you how many times I have reached for the phone to have a long, supportive talk with you. Give Mama a BIG hug for me and ask her to give you one from me. I miss you MORE than words can say and I LOVE you!!! The Sister XXOO PUT CHILDREN FIRST, they only get ONE childhood!!
25 November, 2000
Hello People,
I am Dan Hrynko son of Michael Hrynko . I am nine years old. I am glad you decided to read about my Dad. It is my instinct to say, “He was a good Dad, But if you do not think so about what has been said about him, I think you shoud keep reading.” He may have been an alcoholic, but it wasn’t his fault it was that he had ADD. So you may have thought he was a bad person,” Oh an alcoholic and he has two sons and a wife what a bad person.” but you were wrong. So if you still think he is a bad person poor you, you were still wrong, because he was the best Dad, brother, son, uncle, friend, and godfather ever!!
01 October, 2000
Dear Michael,
I’m not sure if you knew how much you had been thought of right before you passed. For some odd reason I couldn’t shake you out of my mind!! So much of the past had, and now even more so, has been on my mind. So many memories…So many laughs…So many good times!!! I bet Jim and you are shaking up the place a bit…the way only you two could!! You two will always be in my prayers, thoughts and memories as two “adopted brothers” that always kept me in line!! I so miss the two of you. Keep looking out for me….God only knows I need ya to!! Take care my friends.
Love, Lew
“Kimberly S. Kelsey” (
24 September, 2000
Hey Mike,
I was just remembering, as I so often do, about the times at the resort spent with family. I remember the time we were all together for Christmas singing carols in the bar and you bouncing me on your leg while sitting on the freezer. That was soooo much fun. Your leg never seemed to get tired! I also remember the time you and Peg brought me into the kitchen at moms to ask me to be Jack’s God-mother, to continue the tradition. I think of the boys often and wish that I knew them better. It sounds as though they are being taken good care of by all. They had a great start! Take care. Tell Aunt, Grandma, Grandpa and my dad that I said “hello” and that I love them all very much!! Kim
13 September, 2000
This past weekend we were all out at The Farm for your Memorial Bonfire. It was very sad that you were not able to join us. Losing you has not become REAL for me as of yet. I had hoped that the Bonfire would help me to realize that I will never see you again here on earth but it really didn’t do it for me. The whole evening that we were there I was expecting you to join us at any moment. I know you and Mom are watching over us from above but I long to feel you’re hugs and Mom’s soft, gentle hands comforting me. There were a lot of people there who knew and loved you (and many who know and love “D” and Pops). A beautiful tribute of motorcycle engines roaring was given by the group of bikers that attended. They all also gave a ceremonial circle aroung the fire as they left. Christian deep-fried some turkeys for us to eat that were just fabulous. The only things that were missing were YOU and MOM. I love you and miss you every day. I would like to ask you and Mom to send down your love and guidance to “D” and Jan (to help them through their very difficult situations) and to Dad (who misses you both so much). Steph & Kip… Bob & I all miss you very much. Our love for you will go on forever. Hugs and Kisses…(and pass some of the hugs and kisses on to Mom for me..OK??) Your Little Sister, NancySue P.S. I would give ANYTHING to have you “get a drink of water” from my ponytail now!!! Luv, The Cry Baby-NancySue
27 August, 2000
Dear Brother,
We are presently planning your ‘informal’ memorial service at the farm to be held on September 9th. There will be many people there to celebrate your memory and to help each other on this journey of grief that we share. We all know that you and Mama will be offering guidance from ‘the other side’, as you both do daily. We are having a bonfire at sunset at which your Memorial Service flowers will be burned. The list of attendees is growing daily….you are dearly missed by soooo many people!!! I will be writing again soon…..few minutes pass that do not bring memories of YOU. I LOVE YOU….The Sister :’-(
04 August, 2000
Dear Brother, On Saturday Nancy, Stephanie, Kip, Emily and I will be leaving to spend a week in North Carolina. I had always hoped that you would be able to join us for one of these visits, as they are such healing and peaceful experiences. In 1998, our time with the Madeys faction of our clan helped us through the loss of our Mama and Dad’s stroke. Last year they helped us get on our feet after Dad’s bypass surgery, exactly a year and a day after losing Mama. Now they will be there for us as we try to deal with YOUR untimely passing. We know that you will be with us in our hearts, but we all miss your laugh, your humor and your hugs!! I will feel so close to you as I travel through the clouds on the way to and from North Carolina. I will be looking for a glimpse of you and Mama in the clouds, and hoping to see you smiling and peaceful at last. Jack and Dan are missing you terribly. Danny has had frequent tummyaches and great difficulty falling asleep, but Nancy’s suggestion to eat smaller meals more often helped solve the tummy problem. I told him to try counting backwards from 100 to help him to relax at bedtime. That too has helped. I sent them each a letter this week and hope to hear back from them soon. Did you hear Danny’s self-written ‘sonata’ at your memorial service? He passed out the words to all of us so we could follow along! What a brave and sensitive little boy you have there, soooo much like his Dad!! Jack is now the self-appointed ‘man of the house’, quite a job for an eleven year old! He, too, is a very brave boy! You have sooo much to be proud of as you smile down at them daily. I LOVE and MISS you terribly, Michael, and await a sign that you are at rest at last!! Tell everyone I said hello. The Sister :’-(
Valerie Mezydlo (
31 July, 2000
For Hrynko, Michael Adopted Son,
Dearest Friend/Son, You are so missed by so many. I’ll remember the time you connected my dryer and the laughs, the time we sat on the swing in yard and talked about flowers, the times you dropped by with the boys and that big smile. Peace be with you dear one. Love, Mom Bette
30 July, 2000
Michael, We ALWAYS loved you and we miss you so much. If only you could have realized that while you were here with us. I hope you and Momma are very happy together and you have each others love. We will take care of your boys to the best of our ability and we will forever keep you in our hearts. With Love, Your Little Sister, NancySue
28 July, 2000
Michael, I loved you with all my heart and will miss you until I can joyously join you and Mama. Give Mama a BIG hug and kiss for me, on this her birthday. I LOVE and MISS you BOTH……jan :’-( PUT CHILDREN FIRST, they only get ONE childhood!!