
Kristen Gove Crowley ❀ Visitors & Flowers

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02 June, 2011
Hello Krissy,
It is hard to believe it has been 15 years since you were taken from us because you still shine so brightly in our minds; you were the sunshine for a lot of people and still bring so many smiles and laughs as we remember the person you were. I can see flowers that have been left for you and I know I will be seeing many heartfelt words today as everyone takes time out to remember you.
We will never forget you, Krissy! Keep smiling down on all of us 🙂

02 June, 2008
Thinking of you, Krissy… it’s hard to believe it’s been 12 years since you were taken from us. I found the poem below when I was writing poems for you and wanted to leave it here for others.
Hopefully they will find some comfort in the words…
Michelle Lima

The Rose Beyond The Wall
~ From the writings of A. L. Frink

Near shady wall a rose once grew,
Budded and blossomed
in God’s free light,
Watered and fed by morning dew,
Shedding its sweetness day and night.

As it grew and blossomed fair and tall,
Slowly rising to loftier height,
It came to a crevice in the wall
Through which there shone a beam of Light.

Onward it crept with added strength
With never a thought of fear or pride,
It followed the light through the crevice’s length
And unfolded itself on the other side.

The light, the dew, the broadening view
Were found the same as they were before,
And it lost itself in beauties new,
Breathing its fragrance more and more.

Shall claim of death cause us to grieve
And make our courage faint and fall?
Nay! Let us faith and hope receive –
The rose still grows beyond the wall.

Scattering fragrance far and wide
Just as it did in days of yore,
Just as it did on the other side,
Just as it will forevermore!
15 June, 2007
I met you in first grade at the farnsworth school, and knew you up until you were taken away from all of us. I have many great memories of our youth in the farnsworth school. I was recently looking over pictures from 6th grade. We had a diner at the ‘town line’ restaurant for our class graduation. I have pictures of us as well as danny connelly, rob nash, darrell deluca, lori sullivan, karen macintire, sondra mastarelli, and jenifer athas. It brought back a lot of fun memories. You were such a great person and always so much fun to be around. One of my favorite summers was the one after sixth grade, i spent most of my time up at brooksby farms over danny connellys house. The three of us had so much fun that summer. you used to let us swim in the kross keys pool!! My father recently died unexpectedly, and i found you on this site. God bless you, and your loving family for keeping up such a beautiful and dedicated site. There were many years i didn’t see you when i went away to prep school and college, but usually around thanksgiving we would bump into eachother and talk about the old days over a few drinks. I was just starting to get to know you again after my divorse, when this happened. I was sooo saddened to hear what happened. I know there is no way to turn back time, i’m sure only success and good things would have been. You are in a better place, and if you see my dad tell him ‘i love him.’ You were truely a special person. Our lives crossed as children, and that is the girl i remember, always laughing, always having fun. A fond friend from long, long ago.
Chris Konovalchik
02 June, 2007
auntie its been 11 years now… i cant believe it i miss you alot, but i take every day as a blessing now… its wierd to think that everything happens for a reason cause i dont think it does… there was no reason for you to leave, but i know that you are in a much better place now and you are making a whole bunch of other people smile.. i miss you and love you… please watch over ali and mom and dad… love you…
02 June, 2006
Hey Krissy…
it’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years that you’ve been gone… I think of you often… especially when I am asked about upcoming reunions…. If we hadn’t been ‘goof – offs’ ;)… and if you were still with us.. it’d be our 20 year reunion…. or.. maybe next year’s reunion… the class of 86 & 87…
I always try to tell myself.. you are in a better place now…
Miss your sunny smile and attitude girl….
Michelle L

“M” (
04 June, 2005
Sorry it’s taken me so long to find you here….. For someone ‘so smart’ I can be pretty dumb …. It’s been 9 years…. I always think of you, especially now….. I cried for you today, when I found this place…. You were one person who I always wanted to see at reunions or even anywhere, you brightened up the world …… I didn’t go to the 10 year reunion because I knew I’d feel the emptiness…. 20th is coming up…. I might just skip that one too… We met in elementary school, YOU reminded me… 🙂 I know you are spreading your sunshine, somewhere much better than here…. Shine On….. I’ll see you when I get there…. Michelle Lima
04 June, 2005
I am leaving these flowers because they represent the beauty of life. It is fitting that we use flowers as a token of our remembrance when a life dear to us is taken away. For Karen’s mother and for her friend, Michelle.
01 June, 2005
Hey auntie. Here it is again June 1st and I still miss you like crazy. There is so much stuff going on right now I wish you were here. You would know how to fix it. You always knew how to fix everything. Wow do I miss you. Well I wanted to say hi.. So I will be going to the cemetery and I will talk to you there I Love you. Ashley Ryan

Carol Gardner (
13 July, 2004
Dear Kristen,
I’m sorry I never had a chance to meet you, I think we would have been great friends. It has been a long time since you left our town but we have not forgotten you. You are deeply missed. May your spirit live on in all of us. Lots of love,
Your neighbor from the North Shore
01 June, 2004
Hi Auntie!! 8 years tommorow.. its been a long and hard time with out you.. i know you are here all the time.. looking down on me and ali.. i appreciate it.. i know you want us to do our best and we are trying… its just really hard with out you… i have so much going on with school and sports youd be so proud of me… i wish you could be here with me… i remember all the times we were together and we laughed al the time we had so much fun together… I just wish and hope for the best.. I know crying isnt going to help anything but sometimes its the easiest thing to do. and the only thing… it helps but its hard to think about.. I love you more than anything and i will wait for the day that i see you again.. i hope that you come back to my dreams…… I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

12 June, 2003
hi auntie…
happy birthday!!!!! i miss you alot and so does everyone else…. i will be down the cemetery tonight and i will say hello… but i just wanted to say hi and happy birthday….
i love you auntie…
Love Ashley A.K.A Ashubum…
Gone *But* Not Forgotten

Gwendolyn Gauthier (
03 June, 2003
I remember a day with my father at Baby Land on Rt.1 when I was about to meet my new baby sister. I got to pick her first toy, it was a red and white, not quite sure what it was, but it looked a lot like Burl Ives in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. So, basically it was a colored snowman. I got home to our driveway on 88 Birch St., to see my mother in a very bad orange and brown paisley dress holding a new and wrinkled addition to the family. I had my new Captain America rubber bendy guy and saw the first light of my life.
She did something then, when I offerred my hand to her, that she did for the next three or four years. She grabbed my first two fingers with her little hand and she held onto them so tightly. She knew those fingers were there until she was ready to let go.
Years went on, and we had many other situations where we held each other’s hands, and carried each other through wacky situations (you all know my mom and dad!) and laughed.
Around this time, not long ago, a light went out of my life, but a light came on again, because she’s still with me and I’m holding on to her fingers.
We can all think of situations and people that Krissy should have know and experienced, but trust and believe me she does and she does.
I love and miss you, my sister and my friend,
Your “fuckin’ asshole” brother,
02 June, 2003
Today is June 2, 2003, and it has been seven years since you have been gone… And it hurts so bad after all these years… I miss you so much, and I still don’t think it’s fair that this happened. I love you with all my heart and I want you to know that… My love for you, everyones love for you will never end. Ali says hi and she misses you very much… I wrote a poem I hope you like it… I know when I look at the clouds you are here. I know when it rains you are here. I know when im crying you are here. I know when i am happy you are here. I know as time passes you are here. And, I know no matter what i do you are always here.
I love you so much and i miss you..
But I will see you again someday…
And we will reunite in arms of love..
And in happiness…
~Love Ashley… A.K.A Ashabum

“Paul” (
29 April, 2003
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, and the hope of its children.”
President Dwight D. Eisenhower April 14, 1953

Matthew and Lisa Gotwols (
02 June, 2002
To my beautiful Angel Krissy. I love you.
Love Baby Matty
02 June, 2002
hello, my name is kelly quinn, i didnt know Kristen that well but i knew of her, she is my friends aunt, this means alot to me, and my heart goes out to Kristen, who was a beautiful person inside and out. Thank you Sincerly, Kelly Quinn
02 June, 2002
Hey auntie.. Six years today… its hard to go on with out you. i hate the fact that u wont beable to see ali grow up or anything, i mean you saw me grwo up alot more than ali. I hate it with out you, no one understands what im going through, they try to help but it doesnt work.. i just wanted to tell you that i love you and miss you… i will write again on your birthday.. Love always, Ashley… A.K.A. Ashabum
03 March, 2002
Krissy: Still missing you and thinking about you often. See you in my dreams 🙂 Love you, Sheryl
03 February, 2002
Hi auntie its ash i wanted to say hi. i miss you so much. 6 years is a long time it seems like forever without you. I Love You so much, and I hope we will be together again some day. . i love you and miss you so very much. you are an angel, i know you are, and u will live in my heart foreve. im not going to say good bye because it will hurt to much, your mom said that i have your smile and that i am as beautiful as you. Its hard to think that something could happen to someone like you auntie. You had so much going for you. and i looked up to you. You were the only person i trusted. and I still do only trust you. As long as i am here on earth i Will Remember you. Ali Says Hi and that she misses you. Mom keeps telling us thta you dont want us to cry, but its to hard not to. we just miss you so much. You will live through us forever. I Love You Auntie Krissy. Love Always, Ashubum.

“Richard Marcotte” (
11 June, 2001
I was speaking with O’Keefe and Grainger about all the good times that we had together at Avnet. We all still miss you very much and think of you often. Your smile and laughter helped to carry us through the day….Oh, those Avnet days!! Kristen, you are in are hearts and in our prayers. Take care until we meet again.
Your Avnet Friends,
Rick, Chris & Dave

Susan Ramunda (
30 May, 2001
Hi swettie;
It’s your mom, and it has been almost five years now and I miss you as much now as I did when you left us. Dan and I have a Krissy garden full of daisies and yellow roses surrounding our Krissy Christmas tree that we use at Christmas time. I know your Dad has found you, he sent me a message that he did. He will take care of you until we meet again. All my love and prayers to you my sweet daughter.

Bette and Frank (
02 June, 2000
krissy: four years have passed, but not the memory of you. may you live on forever in the hearts of all who had the good fortune to know you. we miss you and love you, bette and frank
20 May, 2000
To Auntie Krissy who I loved and still do Love very much. We all miss you and wish you were still with us.
12 February, 2000
You’re always in my thoughts.
Love you, Sheryl

24 December, 1999
May your beauty live on in the beauty of the good deeds people do in your memory.
Diane Szlucha

Matthew Lee Gotwols (
17 December, 1999
Krissy- You are my angel in heaven. Thank you for walking with me down the aisle and making me stand happy and proud. I love and miss you so very much. Sending love and hugs to you on this day and everyday. Love you always. Lisa, Matt and little pup Suzy Q.
05 August, 1999
My mother and I are best friends…I send my condolences to those who loved you. No matter how many years go by, the longing remains. My prayers will forever be with your family.
11 June, 1999
Just want to say Happy Birthday
I love you,

31 May, 1999
Just want you to know that I am thinking of you today and everyday! I love you and miss you lots
16 May, 1999
Rest in peace
04 May, 1999
04 May, 1999
It has been sometime that has passed, not a day goes by that we don’t think or talk about you, We miss you more each day, Your smile will stay with us always, We love you!!!
Sheryl, Michael, Ashley and Ali

Frank Meyerle (
20 September, 1998
Krissy: These daisies are for you. We love you and miss you very much.
Aunt Bette & Uncle Frank

09 March, 1998
For Kristen Crowley from Massachusetts.

Susan Gove (
Wed, 04 Dec 1996

These flowers I give
May not always live,

But my love for you
Will never die

Your Husband,

Dan Chupinsky, (
Tue, 19 Nov 1996

      Do not stand by my grave and weep.....  
      I am not there. I do not sleep.
      I am a thousand winds that blow.
      I am a diamond glint on snow.
      I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
      I am the gentle autumn rain.
      When you awake in the
      morning hush, I am the
      swift upflinging rush of quiet birds' circling flight.
      I am the soft star shine at night.
      Do not stand by my grave and cry....
      I am not there
      I did not die.

Author Unknown

Sat, 26 Oct 1996


Thinking of you Krissy, say Hi to Bob for me. Just wanted to leave you something, a daisy.
Love you …. miss you … Judy

We love you – John, Curt, Mom and Dad