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September 8 2022
Always love you!
July 26 2022
Love you and miss you.
April 17 2022
Happy Easter.
Roses are red
your color was blue,
missing your smile
and things you do,
no one can replace such a Son as you.
You are not forgotten, nor will you ever be, as long as life and memories last I’ll remember you. your loving smile, your gentle face no one can take your vacant place.
Love always, Mom
21 March 2022
Hi Sweety
Lucky fell asleep on your Birthday March,20. in the afternoon. You had her for 2 Years I took care of her for you for the next 20 Years, I’m sending her back to you and Mush so your all together again.
Love Mom.
20 March 2022
Happy Birthday in Heaven. It’s been 20 years since you were taken up to heaven. You are dearly missed and deeply loved and that beautiful smile you always had for everyone. you are forever in my heart.
Love Mom.
14 February 2022
a secret wish that you were here.
Love Mom
11 January 2022
Joe, on this your 20 Anniversary in heaven. Rest in Peace my Son. I miss and love you always. You continue to be the Angel on my Shoulders.
Forever missing you, Mom.
1 January 2022
Happy New Year, Joe
It’s a other Year and I’m wishing that you were here. They say it gets better but it doesn’t. So I’m sending you a Dove with a package on its wings, be careful when you open it, its full of special thinks. Inside a million Kisses wrapped in a million Hugs,to say how much I miss you.
always, Mom
25 December 2021
Merry Christmas, Joe.
I sometimes feel I’m so alone and though we are far apart you hold a big piece of my heart. I can not bring the old days back, your smile I cannot see I can only treasure the memories of days that used to be. Words are few, thoughts are deep, memories of you I always keep.
I love and miss you, Mom.
25 November 2021
Happy Thanksgiving, Joe.
Every day without you, is like summer and sunshine and winter without snow. I wish I could talk to you, there is so much I would say. I miss the bond between us and I miss your kind support. You’re in my mind and in my heart I always feel you close to me, although you’re far from sight. I’ll reach for you among the stars that shine every single night.
Love and miss you, Mom.
20 October 2021
Hi Sweety
Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear.
Love Mom.
1 August 2021
You are loved beyond words and missed forever.
Love Mom.
4 April 2021
Joe, Happy Easter in heaven.
Your pets Mush, Dutches, Trixy and the rest of your pets, I know they are all with you. As this day is always remembered and quietly kept. There is no need for reminders, because I will never forget. Deep in my heart you always stay. Loved and treasured every day. There’s not not a single day that goes by, that I don’t think of you.
Love always. Mom.
20 March 2021
Happy Birthday, Joe.
I often think of bygone Days when we were together. The Family chain may be broken now, but memories will live on forever. To me you have not gone away, nor have you traveled far. You’ve just entered God’s home and left the gate ajar. No space of time can dim the treasured past. A loving memory keeps it dear, gone are the days we used to share, but in my heart you’re always there. I who loves you will never forget, you gave me years of happiness, you left me beautiful memories that I will treasure thru the years. Your memory I treasure. Forgetting you never.
Love you always, Mom.
15 March 2021
Aunt Doris and Uncle Harald are sending their love.
14 February 2021
Happy Valentines, Joe.
On this special Day you be remembered.
Like a bright Flower that blooms in Spring, each Valentine will bring such beautiful thinks.
Love always Mom.
11 January 2021
It’s nineteen years, just a thought of sweet remembrance, just a memory sad and true, just the love and sweet devotion, of one who thinks of you. all my love Mom.
1 January 2021
Happy New Year in heaven with all your Pets. I know they’r all with you. Lucky is going to be 21 this year. As this day is always remembered and quietly kept. There is no need for reminders, because I will never forget.
Love you always. Mom.
25 December 2020
Merry Christmas in heaven.
I wish I could hug you and just see your face. I enjoyed the time we had together, they are locked inside my heard. I miss you now, as time goes by, I’ll miss you more,your loving smile, your gentle face, no one else can fill your vacant place. Forever in my heart,
love Mom.
27 November 2020
Sweety, Happy Thanksgiving in heaven.
I miss and love you dearly and I want you to know your not forgotten, your memory still lives on. I celebrate the life you had even though you’ve gone. If I was given just one wish, one that would actually come true I wish you you back beside me to spend one more day with me. I always love and miss you, Especially on this Thanksgiving Day Year after Year after year. Love you always
7 November 2020
Remembering you with lots of Love and Happy memories.
Love Mom
7 July 2020
I hold you close within my heart and there you will remain to walk with me throughout,
love mom
7 June 2020
Memories are a gift to treasure my’n of you will last forever
Rita Webber
12 April 2020
Happy Easter, Joe.
When God was making Son’s as far as I can see, He spent a lot of time on one and saved that one for me. He made a perfect Son Compassionate and kind, with more patience and affection than you could hope to find. He gave this lovely Son a heard of solid Gold, and after God had finished he must of have broken his mold. Please Lord tell my Son I love him and will be thinking of him on this special Day.
Love Mom
20 March 2020
Happy 18th. Birthday in heaven, joe.
Celebrate your Birthday with the Angels and all your Animals God has with you there. So much has changed since God called you to Heaven. The day to day I lead now, is so different then what was supposed to be, especially for me. Keep watching over me , I know you always will. You know that you’re thought of often by each and everyone, today,tomorrow and all life through, I will always love and remember you.
Love always, Mom.
14 February 2020
A bunch of red Roses for my Valentine. Joe, in memory you will always stay, sadly missed day after day. Gone are the days we used to share, but in my heart you always will be there. Happy Valentine.
Love always Mom.
11 January 2020
Eighteen Roses one for every Year you left to be with the lord.
Love Mom.
1 January 2020
Joe, Happy New Year in Heaven.
Beautiful memories silently kept of one that I loved and will never forget. Your live was a blessing, Your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure. May the winds of Heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear, How much I love and miss you and wish you were here.
Love always, Mom.
25 December 2019
Merry Christ-mass in Heaven, Joe.
Your gentle face and patient smile with sadness I recall. you had a kindly word for each and was beloved by all. The voice is mute and stilled the heart that loved us well and true, you are not forgotten not will you ever be, as life and memory last I will remember thee. I miss you now at X-Mass ever more, your loving smile, your gentle face, no one can fill your vacant place.
Love you always. Mom.
28 November 2019
Hi Sweetie,
Happy thanksgiving
I thought of you today, I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and your Picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake from which I’ll never part. God has you in His arms, I have you in my heart. I’ll love you forever .
29 September 2019
Today, tomorrow i will love and cherish you,
6 August 2019
In my memory you will always stay, love
12 May 2019
Whenever I’m lonely and feeling blue, I gather an armful of memories of you. Although we may be apart, you will always remain in my heart.
Love always. Mom
20 March 2019
Happy Birthday, joe
No words write can ever say, how much I miss you every day.As time goes by the loneliness grows, how much I miss you, nobody knows. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. But all I have are memories and Photos in a frame. The love I have for you, is in my heart to keep. My heart still aches as I whisper low, “I love and miss you so my precious Son and I always will. Love Mom.
18 March 2019
Mom, sorry for your loss. — I do not mean to intrude on your privacy. Joe’s tribute notice showed up on my son’s tribute page. You moved me to tears when I read your messages to Joe. My son, Christopher, was almost 22 years old when he died of cancer and I continue to grieve for him. You are a beautiful poetess.
Anne Rollins <>
14 February 2019
Happy 17 Valentine Joe
So many things I miss of you, your gentle hugs and kisses I still can feel your warm embrace and picture your loving face.
Heaven must have needed one more Angel so the Angels came to take you to God’s promised land.
Love you always, Mom.
11 January 2019
17 Roses on this special Day.
Love always. Mom
1 January 2019
A Son like you brought not only pride,smiles and laughter, but also warmth and caring to the lives you touched and an ever deepening happiness to the hearts of everyone lucky enough to have been part of your life. Love always.
25 December 2018
Merry Christmas in Heaven.
Joe, sixteen years ago you were called home by the lord.
My thoughts are forever with you since you have been gone, your smile, your love of life and your presence are always with me.
You can’t imagine how much you are missed by all.
All my love, always and forever.
22 November 2018
Joe Happy Thanksgiving
Words cannot convey how simply beautiful you were in every way, miss you Joe; wish you were still here a loving Son, so sweet and dear.
Love and happiness you gave to others, comfort and strength too, now in glory with God, praying for me and you.
Love you always Mom.
14 September 2018
Today and tomorrow, I always will love you,
love Mom.
4 July 2018
Today and Tomorrow I will always love you
Rita Webber
28 May 2018
A daily wish that you were here, Joe
Rita Webber
1 April 2018
Happy Easter, Joe
As you celebrate Easter among the Angels high above I miss you every day. As time goes by I miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face, no one can ever take your place. Happy Easter in God’s care.
Love Mom.
20 March 2018
Happy Birthday, Joe.
Hand in hand with the Angels through the beautiful meadows you roam. Friends and furry friends of yesteryear rally around you laughing and rejoicing about the old times you had together. You been gone a long time that left a gaping hole in my heart. On your Birthday I thank God I had you so long, for now he is taking care of your kind, loving soul.
All my love. Mom
14 February 2018
Happy Valentine’s with the Angels, love you always
11 January 2018
Happy Anniversary in Heaven.
I stopped by to see you and brought you 16 Roses one for every Year you went to Heaven, I thought it was the right thing to do, to let you know that I’m thinking of you.
16 Roses for you.
Love you always. Mom xoxo
1 January 2018
Joe, Happy New Year in Heaven
If Flowers bloom in Heaven every moment that I miss you, you stroll forever through the Blossoms bending down to kiss them.
Love you always. Mom.
25 December 2017
Merry Christmas, Joe.
If Roses grow in Heaven Lord please pick a bunch for me, place them in Joe’s Arms and tell him there from me. Tell him I love and miss him, and when he turns to smile, place a kiss upon his cheek and hold him for a while because remembering him is easy, I do it every day, but there is a ache within my Heart that will never go away.
Love Mom.
23 November 2017
Hi Sweetie,
As you celebrate Thanksgiving among the angels you are always with me in my heart and mind. Your spirit lives on through my treasure chest of memories. Rest in peace my dear son and best friend.
Love mom.xoxo
19 October 2017
Thinking of you, love you. Mom
22 September 2017
Hi Sweetie, thinking of you every day – Mom.
4 August 2017
Hi sweetie, love and miss you. Love Mom
6 July 2017
Love and miss you thinking about you always. Love Mom.
16 april 2017
Happy Easter, Joe.
This day is remembered and quietly kept, no words are needed, I shall never forget, for those I love don’t go away. They walk beside me every day. Unseen and unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed, and so very dear. I love you then, I love you still, I always will. Love Mom.
20 March 2017
Happy Birthday, Joe.
I would like to send a letter to heaven and address it to my Son.
My Child has left this World, to be with the Lord above.
I would tell him that I love him and miss his loving touch.
I would say I’m lost without him and that i miss him so much.
Oh Lord I know you gave him to me, I know you had him first but you called him Home prematurely, I miss him so.
Love always.
13 March 2017
Hi Joe. Thinking of you. Again.
Mary Vassallo
14 February 2017
Hi Sweetie, Happy Valentiens in Heaven love you always
25 January 2017
Hi Joe,
thinking of you.
Mary Burke
11 January 2017
Hi Joe,
Happy Anniversary in Heaven.
It’s been 15 Years since you went away. But I still love you every day. Even though we are apart, You will always be in my heart. Live has changed because you’re not around. Especially when the sun goes down.
Love you always Mom.
Love from Aunt Doris
1 January 2017
Happy New Year, Joe
Got plants his seeds within the earth and each becomes a soul.
Watered by the dew of Live they blossom and unfold.
He leaves some Flowers for beauty to nourish, but and grow while others are collected as only He can know.
Soft petals blowing in the wind, each stem removed with care Oh what a sweet bouquet to rest in the Garden He’s prepared.
Love always Mom.
25 December 2016
Joe, Merry Christmas in heaven.
I’m sending a Dove to heaven with a parcel on its wings be careful wen you open it it’s full of beautiful things. Inside are a million kisses wrapped up in a million hugs to say how much I miss you and send you all my love. I hold you close within my heart and there you will remain forever
Love you, Mom.
24 November 2016
Hi Sweetie
Happy Thanksgiving
A special smile, a special face and in my heart a special place. Our memories we keep, one by one, thinks you have said, thinks you have done. They bring a smile, sometimes a tear, and always a wish that you were here. You are not just a memory or part of the past, you are my treasure as long as life lasts.
Love you always,
3 October 2016
Hi Joe,
love and miss you. always
31 July 2016
Hi Sweetie, love you and miss you.
2 July 2016
Hi sweetie
always in my heart
31 May 2016
Hi Sweetie, thinking of you, love you.
6 May 2016
Hi Joe, love and miss you. always
27 March 2016
Hi Joe, Happy Easter in heaven.
Somewhere in my heart is a smile I still wear, at the sound of your name. God chose you for his Angel to watch from above. If I could have a lifetime wish, a dream that would come true, I wish of yesterday and you.
Always in my heart love Mom.
20 March 2016
Hi Joe, it’s been a long time since you made the transition to spend your Birthday in Paradise. Though I know you’re in a better place I would of want you here. Time cannot erase the pain of losing you, but I’m learning to live with it. Thank you for all the beautiful memories you left with me.
I will love and miss you forever. Always, Mom.
14 February 2016
Happy Valentiens in heaven with the Lord and the Angels.
Love Mom
1 January 2016
Joe, Happy New Year in heaven
Your voice was soft and your heart pure, your love was real I know for sure; in life your help was often sought your deeds were many and never bought your helping hand was always there, your loss to me was tough to bear your live was short, but you gave your best.
Love you always, Mom
25 December 2015
Joe, Merry-X Mas in heaven.
When my heart is sad and lonely and very blue, I seem to find a ray of joy in memories of you.
That is why I value them and always keep them new.
My golden living memories are memories of you, your smile, love and kindness will always be with me.
Love you always. Mom
26 November 2015
Hi Sweetie
Happy Valentines Day with the Lord and the Angels beside you.
Just a thought of sweet remembrance, just a memory sad and true, just the love and sweet devotion, of one that thinks of you.
Always in my heart, love you Mom.
Rita Webber
27 September 2015
Hi Sweetie, always in my Heart.
Love Mom
Rita Webber
9 September 2015
Joe, love you and miss you. Love Mom
Rita Webber
7 August 2015
Always in my Heart, love Mom
Rita Webber
21 June 2015
God has you now, I have precious memories of you in my heart. love Mom
Rita Webber
24 May 2015
Joe i miss you and love you, Mom
Rita Webber
5 April 2015
Joe, happy Easter
God looked around his garden saw an empty space.He looked down here on Earth and saw your loving face. He put his arm around you and lifted you to rest. His garden must be beautiful because he only takes the best.
In Loving Memory, Mom.
Mary Vassallo
28 March 2015
Thinking & missing you – Mary
Rita Webber
20 March 2015
Hi Sweetie
Happy Birthday in heaven with the Angel’s beside you.
Although you’ve gone, I feel you near.
You touched my live in so many ways and brightened many of my days.
Sharing memories of time with you is something that I love to do.
I laugh, with joy and sorrow and will think of you in all my tomorrows.
Love you always, Mom.
Rita Webber (redgarol at
14 February 2015
Hi Sweetie
Happy Valentine’s Day in Heaven.
Years have passed since God called you home
to patiently wait with Him near His throne,
my heart is still heavy because you’re not hear,
but all thoughts and memories are cherished so dear.
Happy Valentine with the Angels beside you.
Love you always Mom
Rita Webber (redgarol at
24 December 2014
Hi Sweetie
I’m wishing you a very merry Christmas with the Lord.
It’s a another Christmas they come so fast.
Who ever thought I would ever last.
When I think of you it hurts so bad,
It’s good to pretend that you’re around
but so hard to realize that you’r not.
You are forever in my heart and deeply loved
every moment of every day.
Love you always Mom.
Aunt Doris and Harald are sending you very happy Holiday Greetings.
27 November 2014
Hi Sweetie
Another Thanksgiving and you will not be here to share the joy & happiness I hold so dear.
You are my “Special Angel” who watches over me.
Gifts I cannot give you, but my love is what I send to you my GREATEST SON.
As I feel your love I know that you are here; my eyes are drawn to heaven
as and a twinkling star appears.
Dear Lord, please hold my Joe and whisper in his ear,
tell him how much I love him and wish that he was here.
Love always. Mom.
19 September 2014
Hi Sweetie
It’s been a while since I came to visit, but it’s been hectic.
My thoughts are with you all the time.
I know that you are resting safely in Gods arms.
I love you and miss you dearly, until we meet again
Always in my heart Mom.
14 June 2014
Hi Sweetie
This Day is remembered and quietly kept.
No need for reminders, I will never forget.
Deep in my heart you will always stay,
Love and remembered everyday.
Wishing today as I wished before,
That God could have spared you many years more.
Always in my heart, Mom.
15 May 2014
Hi Sweety
I Didn’t forget you, but I was not able to get into the Internet.
Happy belated Easter
This day is remembered and quietly kept.
No need for reminders, I will never forget.
Deep in my heart you will stay, love and remembered everyday.
Wishing today as I wished before,
That God could have spared you many years more.
Always in my Heart, love Mom.
20 April 2014
Hi Sweetie
Happy Easter in Heaven.
A Rose may lose its bloom,
still the fragrance lingers long.
A Bird may fly away, yet I still recall its song.
So when someone who is loved departs to join the Lord above,
He lives and laugh and be with me
“In Memories of Love”
Love you always. Mom
20 March 2014
Hi Sweetie
Happy Birthday with the Angels.
May the winds of love blow softly and whisper so you will hear.
I will always love and miss you and wish that you were here.
Often I lay awake at night, I take a walk down memory lane.
I think of you in silence your memory I’ll forever keep.
Your presence I miss, your memory I treasure.
Loving you always, forgetting you never.
In loving memory always, Mom.
14 February 2014
Hi Sweetie
“Happy Valentine’s Day,”
Remembering your laughter and your smile,
what comforts me are the cherished memories we shared
that will never grow old.
My love for you is everlasting and you will forever live in my heart.
You are one of God’s Angel,
accompanied with his grace all the wile.
Always love. Mom
1 January 2014
Hi Sweetie
Happy New Year in heaven.
Remembering all those happy times we shared,
deep in my heart to stay. I would like to stray along the road of yesterday.
To hear you laugh to see you smile to talk to you a little while.
Nothing as memories as I journey on, I remember and will never forget you.
Always in my heart. Love Mom.
24 December 2013
Hi Sweetie
Merry Christmas in Heaven.
Love will live on wherever a beautiful soul has been,
for memories bloom like a Garden in Spring.
The Sun still shines, the Birds and still sing,
and a voice of hope seems to whisper like the wind.
Love’s never lost; love never ends.
Wherever a beautiful Soul has been.
Merry Christmas with the Angel’s
Love Mom
29 November 2013
Hi Sweetie
Happy Thanksgiving, I did not forget you.
I always remember that special smile,
that caring heart, that warm embrace
you always gave me.
You being there for me through good and bad times,
no matter what.
I’ll always remember you Joe,
because they’ll never be another one to replace you.
And the love I’ll always have for you.
Love always. Mom
05 August, 2013
Hi Sweetie
I did not forget you, to many things are happening,
but when my heart is sad and lonely
and I’m very blue, I seem to find a ray of joy
in memories of you.
That is why I value them always keep them new,
my golden living memories, memories of you.
Your smile, love and kindness will always be with me.
I love you forever, Mom.
31 March, 2013
Hi Sweetie
Happy Easter in Heaven.
A face that is always on my mind,
A smile I have seen a million times,
Two eyes that would light up the sky at night.
Now a photo I look at to see your smile,
This I do; I have no choice.
But great memories I will keep with me always,
And your love in my heard for eternity.
Happy Easter. Love Mom.
20 March, 2013
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Joe
Today is your special day, how time flies.
Today your Birthday in Heaven will be a grand affair.
Because you’ll celebrate this Birthday with a halo in your hair.
Your Birthday cake will surely be a treasure to behold,
with icing made of silver and candles made of gold.
And when the Angels gather round to sing “Happy Birthday to you”
with tearful eyes I will be singing with them too.
Love you always, Mom.
14 February, 2013
Hi Sweetie, Happy Valentines Day
Another Valentines Day came and go
and you will not be here to share the joy with me.
You are my “Special Angel” who watches over me
as I look towards heaven I feel your special touch,
and know that you are near; my eyes are drawn to heaven
when a twinkling Star appears.
Dear Lord, please hold my Joe and whisper in his ear
and tell him how much I love him and wish that he was here.
Love always Mom.
18 January, 2013
Hi Sweetie
Aunt Doris and Uncle Harald are sending their Love and a big bunch of Flowers.
Love you Mom
11 January, 2013
Hi Sweetie
Eleven Year have passed since you left to join the heavenly Father.
Words could never express how much I miss you not having you here with me.
Thank God for the precious memories of you and what a dear loving Son you were.
I will always treasure the precious memories.
I hold a special place in my heart for you
Rest in Peace I will always love you.
Love you always. Mom
24 December, 2012
Hi Sweetie, Merry Christmas in heaven
Every night I look outside,
I see the brightest star shining in the sky.
It’s always there in the same place.
Glowing, Glowing in the Heaven’s space.
I know this star is your sign,
letting me know you’re easy to find.
I whisper your name to let you know,
that I will always love you so.
always Mom.
22 November, 2012
Hi Sweetie
Happy Thanksgiving in Heaven
A Rose may lose its bloom,
still the fragrance lingers long.
A Bird may fly away,
yet I still recall its Song.
So when someone who is loved departs
to join the Lord above,
He’ll live and laugh and be with me
In Memories of Love.
Love always Mom.
15 October, 2012
Hi Sweetie
Time has passed, tears have faded,
But in my heart you always remain.
I walk down memory lane.
There I see you smiling, I talk with you again.
And as I wander slowly back I seem to hear you say,
Don’t grieve, don’t cry.
We’ll meet again some day.
God bless you, I love and miss you.
Always Mom.
10 August, 2012
Hi Sweetie
Just coming by to say Hello.
Every day in some small way,
memories of you come my way.
Though absent; you are always near,
still missed, still loved and very dear.
Sweet Jesus take this message
to my Joe up above and tell him
how I miss him and give him all my love.
Love Mom.
18 June, 2012
Hi Sweetie
I did not forget you.
When my heart is sad and lonely
and I’m blue, I seem to find a ray of joy
in memories of you.
That is why I value them
and always keep them new.
My golden living memories are,
memories of you.
Your smile, love and kindness
will always be with me.
I love you always. Mom.
08 April, 2012
Hi sweetie’ Happy Easter.
A daily thought, a silent tear,
a constant wish that you were here.
A heart of gold stopped beating,
it broke my heart to see you go.
May the winds of Heaven blow softly
and whisper in your ear, how much I love
and miss you, but know that you are near.
While you celebrate Easter Sunday
with the Lord in Heaven, I’ll be celebrating your life,
love and memories you left for me,
to treasure forever. Love Mom.
20 March, 2012
Hi Sweetie
Happy Birthday in the arms of the Lord.
Another birthday has come and gone
and you will not be here to share the joy and happiness with me.
You are my “Special Angel” who watches over me,
Dear Lord, please hold my Joe in your arms and whisper in his ear,
tell him how much I love him and wish that he was here.
Happy Birthday, love Mom.
14 February, 2012
Hi Sweetie
Happy Valentine’s Day
I would like to send a letter to Heaven and address it to my Son Joe
who left this world too soon to be with the Lord above.
I would tell him happy Valentine’s Day and that I love him very much.
I would say I’m lost without you, Oh Lord, this feeling is the worst.
I know You gave him to me, yes I know You had him first,
but You called him prematurely.
I’m sorry I question Your will, I know you had your Your reason,
But I still miss him so much.
I love and miss you, Mom
11 January, 2012
Hi Sweetie
Happy 10th Anniversary in Heaven
In loving memory to my dear Son,
the time I had with you was far too short,
but in my heart you’re always there.
Your loving smile, your gentle face,
no one can ever fill your place.
Every day in some small way,
memories of you come my way.
You’re in my heart and always will be.
Aunt Doris and Uncle Harald send their love
and will be thinking of you today
on your 10th Anniversary in Heaven.
Love always Mom.
25 December, 2011
Merry Christmas in Heaven, Joe
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.
I know that you have yours.
You were a loving, caring and thoughtful Son.
No one can compare to you,
not a moment goes by that I don’t think of you.
You are forever in my heart and always on my mind.
Keep watching from above, life is not the same without you.
I will never forget you. Love Mom
29 November, 2011
Hi Joe,
I think of you often and have your picture on my bedroom wall where I can see it and talk to you. You are always in my heart. I had an accident with the truck awhile back and it is fixed. Now the car is acting up. I have been having health problems but I am determined to go see your mom soon. I just don’t know when. So many things on the fire, this month so it will probably be a one day thing. Life is not the same without you. The stars don’t seem to sparkle the same way. Chewy looks so much like Toto. You will always live on in my heart and in memory’s sweet kiss. All my love.
Your loving aunt, Carol
Rita Webber (redgarol at
24 November, 2011
Hi Sweetie
Happy Thanksgiving with the Angels
You are my shining star in Heaven.
May Angel’s music fill your ears on this special day.
May sunshine be your candle
I know you are in good hands for this is part of the
Master’s Plan, if I could make a wish for you,
it would be a selfish one.
For I long to hold you one more time,
you are my heart, you are my Son.
My precious Angel with golden wings,
I send you all my love
Rest in peace, dear Joe.
On day, we will be together again.
Love always. Mom
12 October, 2011
Hi Sweetie
The Fall has arrived and the holidays aren’t far behind.
You are so far away, my heart has kept you near.
The pain has eased a bit I guess, but has not gone away.
It will always stay a part of me, until I join you one day.
I send my love to you, from my heart to yours.
just think you’re time in heaven,
that means you spend it with the Lord.
Love Mom.
06 May, 2011
Hi Sweetie
I,am sending Mush to you, look for him. I,ll never forget August 1990 when you and Toto found a little Kitten he was a mess and a sore sight, you named him Mush. You brought him home and took care of his health; he turned out to be a wonderful, sweet Cat. Toto and you found him, but I fell in love with him and kept him safe for 21 Years, now I send him back to you and Toto so you’re together again. I miss all of you dearly. Love Mom
24 April, 2011
Hi Sweetie
Happy Easter in Heaven.
God chose you for his Angel to watch us from above;
to guide us and advise us and know that we’re still loved.
The Day you had to leave your life on earth was through,
but God had other plans for you, for this, I surely knew.
When I think of your kind heart and all those loving years;
because I’m only human, memories bring me tears.
Even though you left this earth and had to take your flight,
I know you’re with me each day morning, noon and night.
Always in my heart. Love Mom.
20 March, 2011
Joe, happy Birthday
One by one each Year flew by,
since you said goodbye
many Years of memories I have of you
from big events and holidays
to simple daily pleasures,
some tearful times along life’s way,
some joys that can’t be measured,
one by one each Year now gone,
but still they’re my’n forever.
In loving memorie, Mom
14 February, 2011
Happy Valentine’s, Joe.
No further away than a picture, a smile, a remembered phrase;
You live in my memory, so close in so many ways.
How often does the sunset brings nostalgic thoughts to mind,
Of moments that we shared in days now left behind.
Memory has a magic way of keeping loved ones near;
Ever close in mind and heart is the one I hold most dear.
Happy Valentine’s, love always Mom.
11 January, 2011
Hi Sweety
If Roses grow in heaven, Lord pick 9 red Roses for me.
One for every Year he’s gone.
Place them in Joe’s arms and tell him they’re from me.
Tell him that I love him and miss him, and when he turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon his cheek and hold him for a while.
Remembering him is easy I do it every day,
But there is ache within my heart that will never go away.
9 Roses for you. always in my heart. Love Mom
Aunt Doris and Uncle Harold send their love.
01 January, 2011
Hi Sweety
Happy New Year in Heaven,
It’s like I can hear your voice so loud and clear,
I miss your walk, talk, kiss and your touch.
You’re my Angel from above, with you looking over me
I can feel your love, so rest in peace my dear Son
You are not forgotten you will be in my heart forever.
Love always. Mom
24 December, 2010
Joe, Merry Christmas in Heaven
Since Heaven has become your home, I sometimes feel I’m so alone.
And though we now are far apart, you hold a big piece of my heart.
God let this tender hole remain, reminding me we’ll meet again.
One day all the pain will cease. When he restores the missing piece.
I wish Heaven had a Phone so I could hear your voice again.
Love always Mom.
25 November, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving, Joe
It’s only happy because I know you’re with the Angels;
Healthy bodies with voices that sing.
I miss you so much, over and over I ask the reason why.
God wanted you home with no pain and doubt;
No feelings of heartache lurking about.
I go on daily hoping to make you proud,
But this is something I must say out loud.
You left too soon, the hole is still there.
Your lifetime of love is something I forever share.
Love Mom
07 September, 2010
Hi Sweetie
It’s been a while since I came to say hello, I did not forget I’ve been busy with the house I wish you where here to help, but it wasn’t meant to be, you are a shining Star in Heaven my Angel with golden wings if love could have saved you, you never would have died. Love Mom.
18 July, 2010
Hi Sweetie
Aunt Doris came to visit for a Week, we came to see you at Greenbrook after that we hiked over to the pond there we seen an Egret we were sitting there for a while talking it was nice, too bad you could not be there with us I know how you loved to go to Greenbrook when ever you could. We love and miss you always. Mom
13 June, 2010
Hallo Joe,
I am visit your mother and Wednesday we are coming to visit you at Greenbrook. I often visit you at the Cemetery and think of you. Love your Aunt Doris with Harald and the Kids.
19 May, 2010
Hi Sweetie
Just a little note to let you know I love you.
I lost a Son with a heart of gold.
Who was more to me than wealth untold.
Without a farewell you fell asleep.
With only memories to keep.
I have lost, but God has gained,
one of the best Sons the World contained.
For none on earth can take his place,
he is still the dearest son of all. Love Mom.
04 April, 2010
Joe, Angels bring this message to you in the heavens above.
Wish you a Happy Easter and give you all my love.
Thinking of you this Easter-Day with sadness in my heart.
A comforting thought is you’re in God’s care.
So, on this special day, and every day,
You’re deeply missed, love you always. Mom
20 March, 2010
Happy Birthday, Sweetie.
Joe had a smile for everyone
He had a heart of gold,
Now I’m left with memories
Than the heart could ever hold.
To me he was so special,
What more is there to say?
Except I wish with all my heart
That he was here today.
Always in my heart, love Mom.
14 February, 2010
Hi Joe,
A party I can’t throw, my memories are my keepsake;
with which I’ll never part. You may not walk beside me,
but I have you in my heart.
You’re not forgotten nor will you ever be
as long as life and memory last, I will remember you.
Happy Valentines’ day, Love Mom
10 February, 2010
Thinking of you often. I don’t get to play scrabble much due to my eye problems, but when I do, you automatically come to mind.You are always in my heart.
(Aunt) Carol
Rita Webber (
11 January, 2010
Hi Sweetie
Eight Years have passed since that sad day,
when God decided to take you to his Garden of flowers.
My memories are treasures no one can steal
no length of time can ease the pain,
no days go by that I remember your Name.
Today, Tomorrow and my whole life through,
I’ll always love and remember you.
Life goes on I know; but It’s not the same since I lost you.
You will never be forgotten, love Mom.
31 December, 2009
Happy New Year in Heaven, Joe
I don’t need a special day to call you to my mind.
You’re in my thoughts waking and sleeping,
as a Mother’s love transcends time,
But today New Years we share a special bond
which unites our souls and can never be severed.
Always in my heart Mom.
24 December, 2009
Hi Sweetie
Today, I remember you in a real special way.
God’s greatest gift to me a Son.
You Celebrate your 7th Christmas in Heaven.
I have been blessed to have had a Son like you.
There is no other – who could fill your shoes.
You were someone I could count on when I needed a helping hand.
I am ever so Grateful to God for such a good young Man.
When I look back on all those Years, with all the happy times we shared.
Although sometimes through my tears; I know you will always be near.
I always love and miss you, Mom.
27 November, 2009
Hi Sweetie I did not forget you, but I had a lot of company; Sue, Chris and Emma Rose came plus my frinds we missed you.
Time passes quickly, but the pain never eases.
If we could turn back the hands of time.
We would hear your voice and see your smile.
We’re sending our love to you in heaven.
Love always Mom.
20 August, 2009
Hi Sweetie
Last Month John and Sally came to visit with the Girls, boy they got big, time passes too quickly.
I was realy surprised and happy to see them, John’s Dad passed away so he had to take care of his belongings. I wish you could of been here to see them, they miss you the same as I do.
Always in my heart, love Mom.
27 June, 2009
I think of you often, Joe and continue to miss your smile and sense of humor. I’ll be seeing you. I don’t know when but I know I’ll be with you once more.
All my love, your loving Aunt Carol
“rita webber” (
20 June, 2009
Hi Sweetie,
I Just come to say Hello,
it is unbelievable that it’s been seven Years since you left,
but it seems like a lifetime.
You’re constantly on my mind and heart.
I know you are in a much better place
free from pain and in peace.
I have a lot of happy memories of you.
Until we meet once again, love Mom.
12 April, 2009
Joe, Happy Easter
Joe, Easter is the perfect time to tell you how much I miss you.
God took you so quickly, I must not question it.
A comforting thought is you’re in God’s care, a better place
free from pain and in peace.
On this special day and every day I deeply miss you.
Aunt Doris sends her love she thinks about you often.
Happy Easter, Love Mom.
20 March, 2009
Hi Joe
Happy seventh Birthday in Heaven
To some you may be forgotten
To others a part of the past,
But to me who loved and lost you
Your memory will always be as long
as life and memory last,
I will remember thee.
Sadly missed, love Mom.
14 February, 2009
Happy Valentine, Joe
I lost a Son with heart of gold
who was more to me than wealth untold.
Without a farewell he fell asleep
with only memories for me to keep.
I have lost, but God has gained
one of the best Son’s the World contained.
His heard was the truest in all the World
His love the best to recall.
For none on Earth can take his place,
he is still the dearest Son of all.
Love Mom.
1 January, 2009
Happy New Year, Joe
Oh, how time passes and memories never go away
all these years later it still seems like yesterday.
You left behind some loved ones and re-connect with others
it’s never easy losing someone when they’re special to you.
The Lord has called you home and that’s where you are
far beyond the clouds I see you that bright and shining Star.
Always, Love Mom.
25 December, 2008
Joe, Merry Christmas
It is hard to believe, it is 6 Years you are spending Christmas in Heaven.
I remember your smile and compassion.
You have a forever presence, you are felt in a warm gentle breeze,
thoughts of you are seen in a beautiful sunrise and sunset,
the vibrant colors of the leaves changing,
in the scent of flowers and in the love of all things good.
My memory of you is vibrant you continue to live in my heart
which helps me take solace to know you are never far away.
You will never be forgotten. Love Mom.
27 November, 2008
Hi Sweetie
Joe, my special Angel as you celebrate your 6th Thanksgiving in Heaven
I love and miss you here on Earth,
my Heart is with you today and always.
You still hold a space in my Heart, like the Day you were born.
and this space is still filled with love though your physical being is gone.
Until we are together again I love and miss you
and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving
love always Mom.
25 August, 2008
Hi Joe
A Rose may lose its bloom,
still the fragrance lingers long
A Bird may fly away, yet I still recall its song.
So when someone who is loved departs,
He’ll live and laugh and be with me
“In Memories of Love.”
Always in my Heart, Mom.
05 July, 2008
Hi Sweetie
From the Tree of life, each leaf must fall.
The green, the gold, the great, the small;
each one in God’s own time,
He’ll call with perfect love,
he gathers all.
I miss you and love you always, Mom.
28 May, 2008
Hi Joe
Just a hello, I Did not forget you, I’ve been very busy.
Now I have time again I wish you where here.
Gone is the face I loved so dear,
Silent is the voice I loved to hear,
Too far away for sight or speech,
But not too far for thoughts to reach,
Sweet to remember him who was here,
Who’s gone away, is just as dear.
Love always, Mom.
23 March, 2008
Hi Sweetie
Happy Easter in Heaven
to some you may be forgotten,
to others a part of the past;
but to those who loved and lost you,
your memory will always last.
Six years have passed since that sad day.
God took you home, it was his Will;
but in my heart you lived still.
Love always Mom.
20 March, 2008
Hi Joe
Another Birthday has come, I’ll think of you celebrating with the Angels.
When my heart is sad and lonely,
and I’am very blue I seem to find a ray of Joy,
in memory of you.
That is why I value them, I always keep them new,
my golden living memories my memories of you.
Your smile, love and kindness will always be with me.
Happy Birthday, love Mom.
14 February, 2008
Hi Sweetie
“A Rose for you”
Out of the blue, I stopped to see you and bought a Rose for you
I don’t know why, but I thought it was the thing to do.
Just to let you know that I was thinking of you.
“Happy Valentine” love always. Mom
11 January, 2008
Hi Sweetie
Happy sixth Year in Heaven
Once again I reached that mark in the Year where I stop and remember,
Only thing is I always remember no matter what is going on in my live,
you are in them everyday, all day.
You’re that strong force that continues to enlighten my thoughts
and brighten my future.
Heaven will always be extremely lucky to have you!
Always in my heart, love Mom.
24 December, 2007
Hi Sweetie
Merry Christmas in heaven.
Aunt Doris and Aunt Christel are sending you hug’s and kisses.
My live goes on without you, but nothing is the same
I have to hide my heartache when someone speaks your name
sad are the hearts that love you, silent the tears that fall,
living my live without you is the hardest part of all.
You did so many things for me your heart was kind and true
and when I needed someone I could always count on you
. The special Years will not return when we were together,
but with the love within my heart you will walk with me forever.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year in Heaven.
All my love Mom.
30 November, 2007
Hi Joe,
I think of you often and have your photo across from my bed so I can see it when I lay down. I miss you and think of you especially in nature and when I play with my dog, Chewy. She looks something like Toto. I miss your smile and sense of humor. Sometimes Nicky reminds me of you when he does something or smiles. I’ll see you again one day. You know the rest.
Love Aunt Carol
“rita webber” (
22 November, 2007
Hi Joe
Upon this day you was borne, you were my ” Special Son”
God knew you were too special to be here on earth
So he called you home to be in him in heaven.
I love and miss your beautiful smile
Joe, we will meet again one day, until then
have a happy Thanksgiving in heaven.
Love always Mom.
14 September, 2007
Hi Sweetie
Helmut and I came to see you at Greenbrock, we stayed a wile then walked to the Waterfall, but it wasn’t much because the Water is very low we had to leave early because it started to Thunder and Rain, but it was good being there again, Nancy was there too she remembers you very well. Helmut sends his love. We tried to get a hold of Aunt Carol, but she must still be at the Campsite too bad we wanted to go to visit. that’s all for now. Love always Mom.
04 August, 2007
Hi Sweetie;
It’s been a while since I came to see you, but I’ve been busy with the House, I see face every Day, as it goes by I miss you even more, but when I remember your great smile I smile knowing the Angels are watching over you. You will always be in my heart, love Mom.
12 July, 2007
Hi, Joe!
I think of you each day when I look at the nature all around me. I can see your face and see you smile. You will always be in my heart, Joe. I’ll see you on the other side. Love
Aunt Carol
13 April, 2007
Hi Joe,
I think of you so much when I see nature at its best and at its worst. I look at your photo and talk to you. I know you are in a better place. This Sunday when I do the Sunday service up here, I will hold you close to my heart. The time for camping is coming upsoon and I will be thinking of you even more. I miss you, Joe. Love Aunt Carol
“rita webber” (
08 April, 2007
Hi Sweetie,
On this fifth Easter Sunday in Heaven my thoughts are with you, you will forever be in my Heart.
No where in the world could I ever find or buy the wonderful memories I have of you.
We had good and “Happy Times” those are the memories I have left, but they keep you close to my Heart.
Happy Easter, love Mom.
20 March, 2007
Joe, happy Birthday
I remember you when flowers bloom early in the spring.
I remember you on sunny days in the fun that summer brings.
I remember you in the fall, as you walk through the leaves of gold.
And in the wintertime I remember you in the stories that are told,
but most of all I remember each day right from the start.
You will be forever near, for you live within my heart.
Never to be forgotten, love Mom.
14 February, 2007
Hi Sweetie,
Happy Valentines day in Heaven.
I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new;
I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too.
I think of you in silence, I often speak your name,
Now all I have is memories and a picture in a frame.
Your memory is My keepsake, with which I’ll never part;
Got has you in His keeping, I have you in my heart.
Love you always, Mom.
11 January, 2007
Hi Joe
Another Year gone by since your walk home. I still now and then find myself alone,
but I change from tears to smiles to know you no longer suffer pain.
I could not make you stay.
A golden heard stopped beating the day God took you home to prove he only takes the best.
Gone, but not forgotten. Love Mom.
25 December, 2006
Merry Christmas in Heaven.
Joe, Christmas without you will never be the same.
The Master walked in his Garden plucking Flowers along the way;
He plucked one of my beloved son, to add to his Bouquet.
My heart at first was broken, at a loss of one so dear;
The tears I shed just washed my Eyes, so I saw his way more clear.
The Lord had a need for just this one, for the pattern he had in mind.
Love you always, Mom.
24 August, 2006
Hi Sweetie
In my Heart your memory lingers, sweetly tender, fond and true.
There is not a day, dear Joe, that I don’t think of you.
Always in my Heart love Mom.
16 June, 2006
Hi Sweetie Just a little hallo to you and to tell you your presence I miss, your memory I treasure, loving you always, forgetting you never. All my love Mom.
14 May, 2006
Hi Sweetie I thought I’ll come and see you today, just to let you know I love you and miss your smile nothing is the same without you. My thoughts are always with you. Always in my Heart, Mom.
16 April, 2006
Happy Easter in Heaven Dear Joe,
My life goes on without you, but nothing is the same. I have to hide my heartache when someone speaks your name. You did so many things for me, your heart was kind and true; and when I needed someone I could count on you. The special Years we were together will not return, but with the love within my heart you will walk with me forever. Love Mom.
20 March, 2006
Dear Joe,
Today your 4th Birthday in Heaven will be a big celebration.
Your Birthday cake will surly be a treasure to behold,
with icing made of silver and candles made of Gold.
When the Angels gather round to sing Happy Birthday to you, I’ll be singing with them to.
In memory I’ll be with you on you’re special Day.
Love Mom.
15 February, 2006
The Sun is a little less brighter,
The Snow is a little less Whiter,
But our memories of you
Shall never grow dim.
The flowers don’t smell as sweet,
Andt our hearts don’t feel defeat,
Because we know you are always
in our hearts.
Aunt Carol & Walter
“rita webber” (
14 February, 2006
If I could have one lifetime wish, one dream that would come true, I would ask for yesterday and you. A thousand please wont bring you back, I know because I tried, neither will a thousand tears, I know because I cried. So, I will learn to live without you close and near, assured that we will meet again someday.
Love Mom.
11 January, 2006
Joe, this the fourth Year in Heaven recalls sad memories of a dear Son gone to rest; The ones who think of you today, are the ones who loved you best. There is not a Day that goes by that I don’t think of the happy memories I shared with you. Until we’re together again always in my Heart, Mom.
24 December, 2005
My love for you
A Rose will bloom then wither, it’s pedals fall away,
A Dream lasts only seconds and then is gone in o’er,
The Waves wash in upon the beach, sand Castles wash away,
The Seasons come, the seasons go as they are bound to do,
Unlike the love within my heart that lives each Day a new,
The love I have for you. Mom
Merry Christmas
28 November, 2005
Thinking of you and wishing you were her to talk to and laugh with.
Aunt Carol
“rita webber” (
24 November, 2005
Joe, four Holidays have gone by without hearing the sound of your voice or seeing your smile. I shed two tears, one for each day that you’re not here and one for all you missed; a gentle kiss. You will always be in my heart, never be forgotten. Love Mom
10 November, 2005
Winter is closing in now. Soon the snow will once more cover the ground but you will always be in our hearts and on our minds, Joe. I think of you whenever I do my crossword puzzles or play Scrabble. One day, we will meet again and the pain of loss will be gone. Always in my heart, Aunt Carol
“rita webber” (
06 November, 2005
Hi Joe
It’s been a long time since I heard your voice, held your Hand and whispered, I love you. In my heart your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true: You are forever in my heart. Love Mom.
01 November, 2005
We still miss you so much, Joe, but you are always in our hearts and on our minds. I miss your smile and sense of humor. I remember your hands looking so much like your father’s. You were and still are so special to us.
Love Aunt Carol
“rita webber” (
19 September, 2005
Hi Sweetie
Words cannot explain how much I miss you still. I would do anything to have you here with me. I know that you are in a better place, continue to take your peaceful rest. I miss you and always love you. Mom
04 July, 2005
Hi sweetie
Just a little Hallo to let you know I miss you still you had a nature you could not help loving, a heart that was purer than gold; to those who knew you and loved you, your memory will never grow old. You’re always in my Heart, Love Mom.
25 April, 2005
I miss you, Joe. I feel so close to seeing you. Love Aunt Carol
“rita webber” (
27 March, 2005
Joe, Happy Easter in Heaven.
Colored Eggs, Candy and Easter Bunnies too,
They all seem so worthless, because there is no you.
Love you always, Mom
20 March, 2005
Hi Sweetie Today your Birthday in Heaven will be a grand affair, because you’ll celebrate this Birthday with a Halo in your Hair and when the Angels gather round to sing “Happy Birthday to you” I’ll be singing with them too. I miss you and love you always. Happy Birthday; Mom.
08 March, 2005
“rita webber” (
14 February, 2005
Hi Sweetie
Even though we’re not together to celebrate your special day. I want you to know that I’m thinking of you and wishing you a Happy Valentines Day in Heaven. Always, love Mom.
20 January, 2005
Thinking of you and missing you each day.
Love is not really gone but
You seem so far away.
Times I feel you near,
And know your heart meets mine;
But it’s just not the same,
The tears come time after time.
Memories are bitter-sweet,
And time goes swiftly by.
But you are never far from thought,
And live on in memory’s sweet kiss.
Love Aunt Carol
“rita webber” (
11 January, 2005
On this special Day with tears in my Eyes and grief in my Heart I miss you Joe, because we are apart; but I know you’re in Heaven watching from above. Happy third Anniversary. Love Mom
26 December, 2004
Hi Joe,
I just wanted to say Merry Christmas. I wish you were here to see Emma. She is beautiful and I know she would love you. I hope you can see her and maybe she can even see you. We love and miss you very much.
Love Always,
Sue, Chris and Emma
24 December, 2004
Hi Joe, another Christmas without you. If Roses grow in Heaven, Lord please pick a bunch for me, place them in my Joe’s Arms and tell him there from me. Tell him I love him and miss him and when he turns to smile, place a Kiss upon his cheek and hold him for a while. Because remembering him is easy I do it every Day but there is an ache within my Heart, because I’am missing him today. Merry Christmas in Heaven. Love Mom.
24 November, 2004
Hi Sweetie
The Holydays are here again, there not the same without you.
I miss your smiling face, a heart of gold.
One of the best the world could hold.
Always gentle, loving and kind,
what a wonderful memory you left behind.
Your always in my Heart, Mom.
02 November, 2004
Hi Sweetie
Uncle Filex passed away, take him in your Arms when he gets there. In my heart your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear Joe, That I don’t think of you. Love Mom.
14 August, 2004
Hi Joe
Just thought I come and say hi; I can’t believe it’s been so long since you left. Your smiling face, your heart of gold, Always gentle, loving and kind, what a beautiful memory you left behind. I miss you still. Love Mom.
19 June, 2004
Hi Joe
Happy Fathers day, your going to be a Grand Dad this month The voice is mute from one so good as you. I miss you now, my heart is sore. As time goes by, I’ll miss you more, your loving smile, your gentle face, no one else can fill your place. Always Mom.
17 May, 2004
Hi Joe
Just want to tell you in June Debby is going to be a Grandma, next week I am going to the Baby shower. Your smiling face, and heart of gold, always gentle, loving and kind, what a wonderful memory you left behind. Your always in my heart. Mom
11 April, 2004
Hi sweetie
Today this special Day, not an hour goes by that I don’t miss and love you. I miss you more than live itself. My heart is truly broken though I don’t let it show, the years you were here on earth, were precious and so few I treasure every moment because time was spent with you. Your caring ways and good nature touched everyone’s heart. Joe, I know you are with all your beloved Animals that makes live a little easier, but to have you here with me would make it better. Rest in Peace, never to be forgotten. Happy Easter Joe, you will always live in my heart. Love Mom.
20 March, 2004
Hi Joe, Happy Birthday.
Though your smile is gone forever and your hand I cannot touch; still I have so many memories of the one I love so much. Your memory is my keepsake, with which I never part; God has you in his keeping, I have you in my heart. Happy birthday, love Mom.
11 January, 2004
Happy second Anniversary in Heaven. I thought of you with love today and days before that to I often speak your Name; all I have is memories and your Picture in a frame, your memories are my keepsake and will always be in my Heart. Love Mom
28 December, 2003
I have tried to leave a message but my computer is acting up again. I miss you, Joe and think of you when I play Scrabble. Love never dies. It remains in memory’s sweet kiss. The Holidays are not the same without you.
Aunt Carol
24 December, 2003
Hi Sweaty
Happy Holidays, without you they’ll be pretty low. They say time heals all pain I don’t think so it is especially hard for me at the Holidays. I cherish your memories you were very special to me, your love and memories will live forever in my Heart. It gives me comfort to know that you are with all your beloved Animals. I miss you and love you always, Mom.
20 November, 2003
Hi Joe, the unveiling at Greenbrook was really nice the Plaque is plain and beautiful, a lot of people came to view it. it was a cold but sunny Day I took a walk to your favored Place to be near you. You are dearly missed, my thoughts are with you all the time the Holydays don’t mean anything without you. I love you always Mom.
16 November, 2003
I think of you while preparing for the holidays and looking at your photos. miss you. love Aunt Carol
11 November, 2003
We miss you. Although I have been sick and couldn’t make it for your Memorial, my thoughts were and are with you. I think of you each day and feel your presence in nature. Love Always Aunt Carol
02 November, 2003
Hi Joe,
November the 9th Debbie and I are going to Greenbrook for the unveiling of the memorial. You are missed dearly, no Day goes by that I don’t think of you. Hugs and Kisses Mom.
04 October, 2003
Well, Joe it’s that time of year again. Time to close up our summer places and bring in the plants and flowers. I think of you often, especially camping. I know that you are here with us and you will never be forgotten. I love you, Joe. Carol
08 August, 2003
Hi Joe, here is a bunch of Forget-me-nots I miss you dearly every Day. Sometimes I think you’re here especially when Lucky gets her 5 Minutes she keeps looking around and whines as if she sees something, that reminds me of the story when you said: it’s only Casper and I know you’re here with me in spirit. Love you always Mom.
25 July, 2003
Joe, I think of you each day and I know you hear me when I talk to you. I hear your laugh when something happens that you would appreciate and when I play Scrabble, I feel you there with me. Things could have been so different if you were here with us BUT I KNOW you are still here. I love you Joe. You have always been so special and always will be. My father and you are so much alike. He must be with you, now. All my love. Aunt Carol
25 June, 2003
Hi Joe Thank You for watching over Mary I think she is going to do very well I miss you very much a day does not go by when I don’t think about you and as you know I feel you around me and our animals all the time I Love you I’ll keep talking to you I hope I don’t bore you Love Always Debby
19 April, 2003
On this Easter Sunday, I will miss you dearly. Although your smile is gone forever, I have many memories, but I wish I had you here with me to celebrate this special Day. I will always love and miss you. Big Hug and Kisses, Mom.
03 April, 2003
The weather is going to change soon and we will be thinking of you when the windchimes play their music in the breeze; And in the laughter of little children enjoying themselves as they play with a pet or appreciating nature in bloom. We will feel you in the kiss of the sun upon our faces and know you are there with us. Always in our hearts and thoughts. Love doesn’t die, it only transitions to something that goes on in memory’s sweet kiss. Love Aunt Carol
22 March, 2003
I have trouble doing this. I think of your love of nature and feel you here in nature. You are always in my daily thoughts. I love you and miss you so much, but I know you are here in spirit with all of us who loved you. love Aunt Carol & Walter
You are always in our hearts and minds, Joe. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. Love Aunt Carol & Walter
“redgarol” (
20 March, 2003
On this special Day with the Angels and your Animals beside you; I see you celebrate this special Day in Heaven. I’ll be with you in my thoughts my Heart and you never be forgotten. A bunch of Forget-me-not for your Birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Love Mom
14 February, 2003
Happy Valentines
Today, I miss you more than ever you were there for one and everyone your smile and company will dearly be missed. You will always be in my Heart, love Mom
“Gueduecue, Sylvia” (
10 February, 2003
Joe, you are always on my mind and I miss you so much. I wished you could of been with me in Germany before you had to leave. I have such a beautiful apartment in the countryside with lots of animals. One of my favorite turtles is carrying your name and another one is getting your name as well. So in some way you are living in my pets as well as in my heart, always. In church I light a candle for you all the times and I hope that the lights are bright enough in order to reach you. Every time when I light a candle I start crying but why? I am sure that you are in a very beautiful place now and I am sure that you are listening to my prayers. Love you always, your cousin Sylvia
07 February, 2003
We miss your smile and sense of humor, your caring ways with animals. Your red hair and the traditional baseball cap were your trademark. We shall not forget. You will live on in memory’s sweet kiss. love Aunt Carol
“redgarol” (
04 February, 2003
In loving memory, Mom