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29 January 2020
Time cannot erase the sorrow and pain that I feel,
Nor can it make things better
Or force my heart to heal.
Time is now a measure of the days since you’ve been gone,
Of getting by the best I can,
And trying to be strong.
Time should mend a broken heart.
That’s what they say,
But time will never change the fact that you’ve gone away.
3 November 2019
My Love, Christopher, you are missed more than ever. I continue to cry when thinking of and picturing you as a beautiful, happy young man who made all the days of my life joyful. I wish you a Happy Birthday in Heaven!
18 August 2018
Hope you are having fun In Heaven, dear Christopher. A few days ago your delightful, funny third cousin, Roger Thomas, died suddenly, was cremated and hopefully is on his way to meet you.
Love, Mom.
29 January 2017
Thirty-three years ago yesterday you were buried, witnessed by many of our family and all of your friends. It was a beautiful sunny day, one that you would have organized a hike with Duke, your husky, and several of your friends. Merely writing this note to you makes me happy.
Love, Mom
13 November 2015
Chris I had my third heart procedure last week necessitated by the Cobalt radiation I had as a kid for my Hodgkins. It went real well. I’ll be coming to be with you and all our brothers and sisters that didn’t make it but not yet. Guess I still have a few things to do. Thanksgiving is coming up in 2 weeks. I’ll eat some turkey for you.
Terry L. Terrell <>
17 April 2015
We are bonded through adversity understood only by those who have been there. You will NOT be forgotten. Rest easy brother. I got your back.
Terry L. Terrell <>
22 February 2015
Chris: Your smiling face is on my mantel always.
19 February 2015
You are often in my thoughts, the why will never be answered.
Roger Thomas
17 February 2015
Christopher ~ In your short life you were adored.
You will forever be cherished in my heart.
Aunt Cathy
28 January 2014
Thirty years ago, on this night, I went to bed not knowing that in just a few hours I would get the dreaded call – that you had passed away early in the morning of January 29. It seems like yesterday to me. I love you, Christopher.
28 January, 2013
Tomorrow, January 29, dear Christopher will be the 29th anniversary of your death. I think of the wonderful, fun days we shared and sometimes of the agony you suffered for a year and a half. Time goes fast and slow. I know some of our friends and family think of you, too. What I love is that you are able to transport yourself into my heart and brain so that I can continue, once in a while, adding to “Letter to My Mother.” It’s quite lengthy. Thank you and accept my kiss.
03 November, 2011
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Christopher. I can’t believe you would be 50 years old today, but then I can’t believe I just had my 80th birthday two days ago.
Terry L. Terrell (
23 May, 2011
We were both born in ‘61, we both had Hodgkins, you died I survived. I live each day for both of us.
08 May, 2011
Mother’s Day – and I miss you more today than yesterday, Christopher.
03 November, 2004
Happy Birthday Christopher, hope you have a happy day. Love, Tove
09 May, 2004
Christopher, here I am again on Mother’s Day! My heart and soul continue to hurt. Through all the pain over the past few years you should know that I wrote a mystery that’s being published in June. I am so excited but now that I have empty time on my hands, I need something significant to do to keep me from going crazy. You’d be proud of me, I know.
23 March, 2004
Hi Christopher, I’ve never met you but know what it’s like to lose a loved one to Hodgkin’s Disease. We just buried my younger brother Niels Haugen today. He died in his sleep March 12, 2004. He was my only sibling, I loved him so much. If you see him in Heaven please say hello and tell him we love him and miss him so much. Tell him I’m so sorry I couldn’t save him. And tell him I’ll watch out for little Beria and Figen. Forever Niels’ sister, Tove
18 December, 2003
Merry Christmas, you are remembered and missed

Christopher and Grandma
24 August, 2001
I don’t need to tell you how much you are missed every moment of my life but I must tell you that you were sorely missed when, on June 9 of this year, your beloved cousin Christine was married to Jonathan, a young Englishman. Aunt Cathy and Uncle Ruben were rightfully proud parents. It was a magnificent affair with a lot of fun Brits dancing the night away. Your cousins, Susie and husband Frank, Roger and Bill (Skeeter) came down from Boston for the weekend and some of your grandpa’s relatives from New York also came. I know you would have danced the night away just as you did when you were a little kid. I stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel for the weekend and had lots of fun with the Boston relatives. Christine looked gorgeous as did Jennifer, who is a tall, stately beauty.
Love you Christopher.
13 January, 2001
How could you have left me? My home is an altar to you. You made my life complete. Sixteen years and for me it is still the day after Labor Day in September 1982 that we heard the horrific news – you had cancer – and it was a death knoll. It gets no easier. Time has stood still and yes, I cope but I can’t stop missing you. You are my baby until the end of time.
11 January, 2001
Hi Christopher, I was thinking of you today and thought that I would drop by and leave you some flowers. Ann
25 April, 2000
Hi Christopher.
We’ve never met. I saw your picture for the first time on the internet today. Your mother sent me the link. Your mother misses you very much. She told me this today. I think it would have been nice to have met you Christopher. In your photo, you have a very kind smile.
“ccesena” (
02 November, 1999
Dear Christopher,
I don’t know if you remember me–I only met you once. But you are alive for me in the warm, wonderful memories of your mother. I especially like to picture you trying to train your unruly but loveable husky–a boy and his dog are so cute together! Your mother told me she enrolled you on this site so people will remember you after she dies. I know they will–you had lots of friends and other people who love you in addition to your mother. This is to officially tell you (and your mother) that I love you too and will remember you as long as I’m still on earth.
“David Marshall” (
07 September, 1999
To Christopher,
I never met you, but the photo with your sweet smiling face has touched me. I am a nurse, and care for the sick and dying every day. If there is one thing I know to be certain above all else, is that love is stronger than anything, including death. To your mom, I am so sorry for your loss, but please know that your son is an angel with God and is watching over you always. There are some things we know in our hearts to be true, and as a mother myself, I assure you that you will be with your angel again. The only thing that separates you and your son is time. God Bless.
24 July, 1999
Dear Christopher,
I too, have a son named Christopher, and I have always thought there was something very wonderful and special about that name. Although I never had the honor of knowing you, I was most fortunate, this past week, to have the pleasure of meeting your mom. It happened while we were both sending our written condolences to an AOL news post in remembrance of young John F. Kennedy,Jr. who, as you know, Chris, is now with you in heaven. Sadly, some people were writing the vilest, meanest things about this young man, and it broke my heart. I wrote a letter asking why some people are so full of hate. Chris, just when I was about to give up on the human race, I stumbled upon the most moving, heartfelt letter from a woman offering consolation to JFK Jr.’s sister Carolyn. It was your mom, Chris, and she spoke so movingly and eloquently of her deep abiding love for you and the terrible pain she felt with your passing. Her brief, but powerful letter moved me to tears. In the face of all the cruel letters being written, your mom was a voice of kindness and reason and love. Her words immediately restored my belief that there are many more good people in this world. You must have been very proud of your mom, Christopher. I know how proud she was of you, and how very much she loved you, and still does. Just wanted to share with you what a wonderful person your mom is–but then, you always knew that:)
–Bill Barber

Cousin Christine, Aunt Cathy and Cousin Jennifer
07 May, 1999
With tears rolling down my cheeks and a big lump in my throat, I leave flowers for you tonight, my dear nephew. You were the sweetest and most innocent of little boys. I wish I could have held you more and played with you more often. Nevertheless, you always knew how much I loved you. Fortunately, I was able to be with you often when you were sick. Christine has never gotten over losing you and tears well in her eyes too when she talks about you. For nine months after you died she left piles of wet tissues next to her bed. As the months passed, the number of tissues declined but, believe me, not her love or memories of you. Mother’s Day is here now. As your Mother reminded me, she is still your mother and I am still your aunt. I too am a better person for having been your aunt. Love, Catherine
02 April, 1999
Dear Christopher:
Although we have never met I feel so touched by your Mother’s flowers to you. Mother and I are first cousins, her Dad and my Mother were brother and sister. Christopher, your Mom loves you so and expresses it so well that even I who did not know you love you too. Rest well in the care of the Lord.
Your second cousin,
01 April, 1999
Dear Chris:
It seems like a life time ago since we had fun together, time goes by so fast. I remember my first trip into New York City with you and how much fun we had. I have two beautiful children now that constantly keep me on my toes. I hope you are looking down on us and keeping us out of harm’s way. Thanks for happy memories of fun at Salisbury beach. Love Susie
28 March, 1999
Dear Chris:
It seems like a life time ago since I last saw you. We had some fun times together. I most remember holidays spent at Plum Island and Salisbury Beach. I have to children that constantly keep me on my toes. They are the joys of my life. I hope you and the rest of our family in heaven are watching over us. We miss you all. Love, Susie
“Peter Haefs” (
15 February, 1999
i felt sorry when i read the text
yours Peter Haefs / Germany
25 November, 1998
Thanksgiving eve is here, Christopher. And I do have much to be thankful for – I had you for a short while and the enrichment you gave to my life is unfathomable. I was touched by Amy who sent you a message a month ago. She is fighting Hodgkins, too, and my heart goes out to her because of the pains she must go through to win her battle. It’s almost 15 years since you left this earth but you are near me. I wake up thinking of you and go to sleep the same way. I wish I could see you once more, Christopher.
Amy Bue (
28 October, 1998
I didn’t know you but I am so saddened to read about your death that I had to write. I too have battled Hodgkin’s Disease, and I go to see my doctor tomorrow to see if it has returned for the third time. I was feeling sorry for myself until I read the lovely note your Mom wrote about you, and I realize that I am very lucky to be here now reading this. If I am sick again, I will fight it in my name and in yours. If you had been battling it along with me today, you would have had a much greater chance of still being with us. I am going to make my new hope that I will be missed as much and remembered as fondly after I am gone (whether tomorrow or in 60 years) as you are.
Smeet (
28 January 1998
You are being visited on the eve of the fourteenth anniversary of your death. I did not know you but feel I do now. You were a light on earth and the light of your mother’s life. She is carrying on as I am sure you would want her to do. You must have been a lot of fun to be around as well as a sensitive young man. You had the gift of making people feel good. Your hat is charming and so is your smile. I am sure that you are looking down on your mom.
All that live must die,
Passing through nature to Eternity.

Eileen and Christopher
Gillian Tracy (
9 November 1997
Hi Chris,
I miss you and the times we used to make funny phone calls on your mom’s phone. Remember the lady we always used to call?…I think she liked it…Wonder if she ever ate any of the pizzas we sent her…Love, Jill
8 November 1997
Christopher, Happy Birthday in Heaven. I dreamed of you and you were dressed in all white and you handed me a white rose. And then you left again.
Love, Mom
Auntiana (
24 December 1997
Christopher, It’s Christmas Eve and you are in my thoughts. I wonder if Jiminy Cricket will amuse other children the way it amused you. And the Yule Log. You always arranged our family’s Christmas Eve… even the Christmas music. It’s not the same without you. Love from Mom.