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31 May 2017
I follow your words of love and great lose of Brian, we are now 2017, I see nothing since 2003, are you still loving him or are you still alive but your heart was busy with kids he left to you to raise them, may be you are now resting beside him, I wish to know why love fades away in one year, God bless your soul Brian Stewart.
Ahmed Abdulla Mahmoud <>
“margaret stewart” (
28 September, 2006
It has been four years already since you left us. This grandchildren all miss you as well as your own children. I think of you every day and love you very much.
“margaret stewart” (
31 August, 2005
Dear Brian: It has been three years today since you left us. The pain is as great today as it was then. I can not spend one day without thinking about you, something you said or something you did. Sometimes it is very hard to go on without you. I am surrounded by many people who care about me, but I am still lonely. I know you are still around watching me, and I want you to know I love you very much. I did not really know how much until it was too late.
mum (
11 April, 2004
Dear Brian:
This is our second easter without you. You are still with me every day and I love you very much. Margaret
Happy Easter Papa: We hope you have a very happy easter. I love you and I see you every night when I shut my eyes.
Love Nydia
dave (
16 March, 2004
Happy Birthday Brian: I still miss you as much as ever and think of you every day. I love you. Margaret
margaret (
28 December, 2003
One more Christmas without you, but we are still thinking of you and we know you are still here with us.
20 November, 2003
November 01 would have been our 24th anniversary. You are still very much in our hearts and we can still feel you around us. Our love is with you forever. Love Margaret
14 June, 2003
Brian: Today, June 14, 2003 you will be finally laid to rest. I wish I could have kept you with me forever, but I am depending on you too much. You have earned your rest and along with your children we will place you in your final resting place.
I love you and you will always be in my heart.
18 April, 2003
This is the first Easter we have not been together. I love you and miss you terribly.
30 March, 2003
Brian; I wish we could have spent more time together and got to know each other better. Mom misses you very much, Its not the same over there with out you!!
Love Trisha
margaret (
27 March, 2003
I love you forever
In memory of my husband, Brian, who is missed by his children, grandchildren and most of all by myself. Rest now you have earned it.