Name at birth: Mr Louis Jakubowitz Date of birth: 02/05/1936 Place of birth: Paris, France Date of death: 05/07/1981 Place of death: Paris, France Place of burial: Cimetiere Parisien de Pantin, Pantin, France
Submitted by: Mr Pascal Jacquemain (
Louis Jakubowitz was born in a Jewish family in pre-war Paris. A family who was not religious but who believed firmly in the precepts of Marxism.
After the war in which numbers of relatives were deported and some did not come back, he did brilliantly in his studies during which he met Ginette Rapoport, whom he would eventually marry.
Upon marrying, and to protect his children from antisemitism, he changed his name to a French equivalent.
Qualified as a medical doctor, he decided not to pratice but devoted his carrier to translating medical texts in up to 15 languages.
His wife gave him 3 sons, Pascal who now lives in London, UK, Stephane, currently in Orleans France and Fabrice, still in Paris.
Shortly after Fabrice was born, Louis was diagnosed as having a melanoma. After 5 years of hope and distress, of heavy treatments and rare periods of calm, he died in hospital aged 45.
He will never have met his grand children, Hannah (Stephane’s daughter) or Rosemarie (Pascal’s daughter).
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