
Hyman Korman ✵ 1919-1995

Name at birth:  	  
Date of birth:  	 20 Feb 1919 
Place of birth:  	 Brooklyn, NY 
Date of death:  	 20 Sept 1995 
Place of death:  	 Brooklyn, NY 
Place of burial:  	 Queens, NY

Submitted by: Joe Korman (

Hyman Korman

December 10. 1995

Beloved husband to Goldie

Father to Joseph and Leah

Father in law to Laurie

Grandfather to Seth, Michael and Miriam.

On the day that New York City honored Mr. Rabin of Israel, another man was honored in Brooklyn.

My father was the youngest of nine children and the last to pass on. He grew up in an Orthodox home where he studied the Torah (Bible) with his older brothers. I remember walking with him on the high holidays from our house to his father’s shul on Watkins Ave in Brooklyn. There, all of my cousins would get into trouble talking during the services.

I didn’t realize how much he knew about the prayer rituals until I started attending the services with him at Temple Beth Abraham in Coney Island. After he retired from work, he devoted much of his time to the Temple. He was one of the first members to arrive and one of the last to leave at each of the daily services. He and my uncle were responsible for insuring that the Torah was turned to the correct portion and that any special rules for a particular day were observed.

Those who spoke of him at today’s service had only the best of words for him. The Rabbi called him a gentleman and a gentle man. Another pointed out how well (and fast) he was able to read the Hebrew prayers, but yet, never missed a word. He was always ready to help anyone in need. One of his ‘jobs’ at Temple was to say Kadish (memorial prayer) for loved ones of members of the Temple.

He was a hard working man, who had a varied career.

  • Soda Jerk at his brother-in-laws candy store. (He made a mean chocolate malt).
  • Gateman for the Long Island Railroad. In the days before automatic crossing signals, he cranked the gates down when a train was due and raised them when it was safe for autos to cross the tracks.
  • Train Conductor for the NY City Transit.
  • Mechanic on the machines that knit sweaters (member of ILGWU).


He spent many of his working years on the night shift, which gave me more time to see him. He would get home when my sister and I were getting up for school. He would sleep during the day and would be up with us for dinner and evening TV before he would go to work and we would go to sleep.

He retired from the ILGWU work in 1985.

His love of his family was always obvious. He always had time the play with my cousins while I was growing up and with my children and nephew when they came along. He would not allow my mother to do any chores (she worked through most of my childhood too). As a result he did everything except cook (that he allowed mom to do).

Hyman Korman, you are sorely missed by not only your family, but by your friends at Temple Beth Abraham.

Rest in Peace, Daddy.

Hyman Korman is the father of the Son-in-law of, Isadore Silverman.

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