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2 February 2018
Happy Birthday on the 2/7
I miss you Dad
Love Bill
William Maness <>
9 January 2000
Happy New Millennium. I miss you.
Love, Susan
5 July, 1998
It has now been 3 years since you left. Time gets away. I am now in Texas and I keep thinking, how much you would have enjoyed visiting me here. I miss you even more. It’s not as painful, but, I still miss you so much.
I love you
M. Susan L. Huelsing (
18 July, 1997
You are always with me, in my thoughts, in my heart, in the very fabric of my life. I have to relocate to a different state, it’s such a tough decision. I know what you would tell me if you were here. You would tell me that I have to follow my job, that I have responsibilities. So, I will do just that. I know that wherever I go, you are always with me.
I miss you,
M. Susan L. Huelsing (
Fri, 29 Nov 1996
Happy Thanksgiving Dad. This is still a big adjustment.
M. Susan L. Huelsing (
Thu, 5 Sep 1996
Its been while since my last visit to you. Your never far from my thoughts. I love you
Susan L Huelsing (
Tue, 23 Jul 1996
I love you and I miss you.
Susan L. Huelsing (
Sun, 30 Jun 1996
Its been a year since you left us. Jared is now taller then I am. He was in the allstar game again this year. He missed having you there. We all miss you. Its another hot, steamy summer in St. Louis. I know you don’t miss that. I take comfort in the fact that you are no longer in pain, and I bet you are running circles around everyone. Hugs from all your grandchildren.
I love you
Susan L. Huelsing (
Fri, 24 May 1996
This will be our first Fathers day with out you. I bought you a card anyway. I know somehow you will hear this.
From Your Daughter, with love.
Yours are the hands that raised me and guided me when I was small-- that lifted me to laught at the sky and held me when I was hurt or afraid.., Yours is the voice I could recognize even before I could talk- the voice that could calm me, comfort me, quiet my fears with just a single word.. Yours are the eyes I looked into, that could say so much to me with just a glance-- that could see through me and into me... eyes that have smiled at me and with me through all the years, in goods times and bad. then and now... You are the dad I have always loved, and always will, so very much. Happy Fathers Day Dad, I miss you Love Susan
(thank you Hallmark)
Susan L. Huelsing (
Sun, 5 May 1996
Someone commented the other day on how I have your eyes. I must have starred at my eyes in the mirror for over 20 minutes. They were right. Why had I never noticed that before. Then I realize how much I am you, from my mannerisms to my sense of humor. I love you, and thank your for 35 years of love, strength and direction.
Mrs Susan L Huelsing (
Sun, 28 Apr 1996
Dad, I hope you look down on these flowers and smile. I love you and I miss you
Mrs Susan L Huelsing (
Mon, 29 Apr 1996
Little league has started, and your last grandson turns 1 in a few days. I miss you dad.
Love, Susan