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May 23 2021
Dad is with you now. You are loved.
9 April 2020
I may be a stranger, but I thought I’d let Miles know people are still thinking of him.
11 February 2008
My baby Miles, I love you. Today would be your 11th birthday. Age 11 on the 11th. That will never happen again. Daddy and I made a beautiful fire at your bench, one of the best ones yet. We talked about which of your brothers you would look like, it’s still in debate 😉 Rhys and Quinn sent you up balloons and of course, they had to fight about who got to let the froggy balloon go. (Rhys got his way). I know in my brain that you will never see the things I write to you but it helps my heart just in case you are looking down upon me right now, birthday boy. We are going to take one rock per visit from the creek and build a rock garden for you this summer, it will be nice to have something special here that is from your special place. I hope you can feel or just know that you are thought about every day…every day Miles. Mommy, Daddy, Dylan, Alex, Michael, Quinn and Rhys keep you in their prayers. We love you. Watch over us all. Love Mom
16 February 2005
Oh God, it has been too long that Mom has written. I know you hear and feel every day from me, I just have your brothers that are so demanding. Miles, we sent balloons to you for your 8th b’day. Your baby bros, and our friends that know and love you toasted to you, our missed love. D, A and M, all were sad that day. I know that you don’t want them to be sad, but, it’s their only way. Mommy and Dad adore you and wish you were with us again, forever. You are so loved.
3 September 2003
Miles, It’s not getting any easier. I have too full days, not enough time with your five brothers but I agonize every day about what I would be doing with you today. I wish sooooo much. I wonder what you would look like (most likely, Rhys), and your Mom loves you and yearns for you. You are everyday in my thoughts, my baby.
Erika Whisted
12 February 2002
My sweet Miles, You would be such a big boy now, 5 years old. I can’t believe it has been that long. Sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday I held you in my arms. We had a nice fire by your bench yesterday for your birthday and Mom-Mom chose the most beautiful tulips for you. All the boys said prayers for you and Quinn, who you would just adore, said he was saying a prayer for his big brother in his heart. You are so loved Miles, and missed everyday. Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I love you,
20 November 2001
I saw your site and could not help myself, I think I have been crying for an hour because I know exactly what you went through. We lost our son on July 7, 2000 who was born on July 5, 2000 to Trisomy 13. I also commend you for the beautiful picture of your son. I have only been able to look at the pictures we took of my son 1 time since his death 1 year and 4 months ago. Your son is beautiful!! And if I get up the courage to build a site for my son, please look it up, his name is Justin Christopher Smith. May God bless and keep your whole family, Shari Smith
Chris & Shari Smith
10 February 2001
I just wanted to thank all of you wonderful people for leaving flowers, such beautiful, touching words for our little boy. You have all soothed me with your kindness when I needed it most and my heart breaks for all of you who have your own angels. Our Miles would be 4 years old tomorrow. We miss him so much and wonder all the time what he would be like now. We have had two more little boys since Miles left us. Quinn who is 2 and Rhys who will be one in another 2 weeks. I explain to my other boys that we wouldn’t have Rhys or Quinn if Miles had lived, so they are his gift to us. Happy Birthday Miles. You are so loved. Love Mommy, Daddy, Dylan, Alex, Michael, Quinn and Rhys.
Erika Whisted
Dear Gramma, I have just read your devastating story. I came to Anrew’s site because I just read the beautiful and comforting words that you wrote for my son Miles, thank you so much. What you and your family have been through is too horrible to understand. I can not even imagine the pain. Andrew and Miles are together in Heaven. God bless you. Erika Whisted
2 February 2001
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers!
Jimmy Herring
28 December 2000
To Miles’ Mama & Daddy & Brothers…..I give you my heart as well as my sympathy and flowers. I so desperately feel your pain in your letter to Precious Little Miles. I extend my prayers to you and your family also. Miles is so Beautiful….thank you for having the Courage to Share this Sweet Angel with the World. It isn’t the length of life that is important…It’s Life Itself…Miles’ Little Life that is Meaningful and so Full of Purpose. His Little Life was necessary for me. I can’t seem to stop crying after looking at his picture. One of my Grandsons is also in this World Wide Cemetery. Andrew Daniel Certuche, whose Sonrise was July 26, 1996 (Born 2 months early), and His Sonset was Tuesday, April 21, 1998 (21 months old). I hope you can visit his Memorial too. There, you can meet the Sonshine of My Heart…. Today is Day 983 since he’s been gone….. Andrew was killed by a car. Everything inside me screamed out at one time, “Not My Andrew…Not My Andrew!” Why these Precious Angels???? Why??? But I realized that Andrew was not born 2 months early….We were given the Wonderful Gift of Having Him 2 months longer than we would have. What an Absolute Blessing. Andrew used to turn around and around in circles with his head looking up to the sky and his arms out…singing or mumbling something in his own little baby talk….We used to say that he was Talking To The Angels…. Now we know He Was…. All of us who grieve the loss of a child here on this earth have been Uniquely Chosen, Blessed and Gifted with these Special Angels. Their lives touch the lives of so many others….we will never know….The Blessed Little Life of Miles has Touched My Life in a Profound Way. I feel very Blessed to have been able to meet him here, as you have shared him with all of us. Miles is your deposit in Heaven and Andrew is Mine….O Blessed Day When We See Them Again! Much Love & Hope. Susan Sum-my… Andrew’s Gramma
20 July 2000
I know that you are romping in heaven, Miles, and feeling all the love that your family continues to send. Watch over them and keep sending them signs that you are with them. You are a beautiful child.
jan …. Hanover Park, IL
8 February 2000
I see that Miles would have been 3 tomorrow. My daughter Amelia was 3 this week. I’ve just been upstairs to hug her after seeing the beautiful photo of your son. Thank you for submitting it. My thought are with you from England.
Graham Gibbs
“bigearl” (bigearl@gateway.net)
12 March, 1999
To the family of precious baby Miles, May the grace and love of God be with you all. Always know that your loved one made a difference in this world though he graced it only briefly. My heart aches for all of you. God be with you. mhart
Tyler Matty (tyler@mattynet.com)
14 February, 1999
God bless you little Miles
28 January, 1999
Dear Miles
I came across your beautiful picture today and tears came to my eyes. Being a mother of three myself, I felt the need to hold you and kiss your tiny face. I know you are in a wonderful place now and I just wanted you to know that I thought about you and even though I do not know you or your family personally, I want you to know that I will never forget you.
01 November, 1998
Our hearts go out to you. My daughter and I were visiting my Mother, Frances Tuttle, and came upon your son. He must be in heaven because that’s where the beautiful precious and beloved angels dwell, in the house of the lord. We are so sorry for your pain and hope that perhaps in time you may find comfort somehow. Bless you and your family, now and forever.
Sally and Candice Kennedy
dutchess (dutchess@advnet.net)
25 October, 1998
Flowers from Katie
BLAADEVISION (jimmy@blaadevision.com)
24 September, 1998
today i left some flowers for my brother, it has been 2 years since he went with the lord, no matter the age or the reasons, it’s hard so i would like to leave some flowers for miles and like every one has said they are with the lord. may god bless you and your family
Anne Marie #24 (jg24@usa.net)
04 August, 1998
God bless you. I can not imagine your pain. Be comforted to know he is in the Lord’s arms. The picture is beautiful.
Anne Marie
29 November, 1997
My sweet Miles,
The holiday season is approaching too quickly. This used to be my happiest time of the year. I remember last year, I was very pregnant with you and was probably the happiest person I knew, decorating, celebrating, wrapping toys for the kids, singing all the Christmas songs and picturing the next year when we would have another stocking to hang for you. How much we take for granted, that things will turn out as we plan. I am having a really hard time feeling that happiness this year. I have to be merry and jolly for your brothers but inside I just want to scream and demand my son back! I miss you so much. I can feel you with us, and I know in my heart that you are with God and that you had something to do with our blessing this year, I pray to God and to you, my son, that this baby will be healthy and that we can bring him or her home to be with us forever.
Mommy loves you.
9 September, 1997
I miss you Miles, you would have been almost 7 months old now and my heart aches for you. I can still smell your angelic scent on the blanket that you were wrapped in, I let Michael smell it the other day and he knew it was yours. I know you are still with us, I can sense you, I just wish I could hold you and see you and let you know how much you are loved. I miss you so much, my baby. Mommy
10 July 1997
Our sweet Miles, we miss you so much and hope that somehow you know how much you are loved. You are in our hearts now and forever. Love Mommy and Daddy
3 June, 1997
For my sweet little boy, Mommy and Daddy miss you so much.
Gail Hoeker (hoeker@gte.net)
23 April, 1998
My heart goes out to all of you. We lost our daughter, Arielle Elizabeth, at birth on December 13, 1996 and still miss her every day. I hope that Arielle and Miles are playing together in heaven. May God bless you.
Gail Hoeker
Larry Wayne Honeycutt Jr (lwhjr@InfoAve.Net)
13 April, 1998
My family has just gone through a similar tragedy and the one thought that comes to mind the most is, “Don’t regret the days that [Miles] is not with us, BUT rejoice for the day that the Lord let us spend with him. God has a purpose in our lives and it’s to rejoice in the things he does within us. Celebrate life, because Miles is celebrating it with his Lord Jesus. My prayers go out to you.”
Susan Campbell (froggy4@ix.netcom.com)
28 October, 1997
Dear Miles,
I can feel the love and pain in your mother’s heart and I know the sorrow your family still endures. It’s especially hard this time of year as the first holidays approach. My grandson Nolan was stillborn in December 1995 and not a day goes by that we don’t miss him. We always will. So I send my love and prayers to your family and to you as well. I know that you and Nolan are as near as our next breath and will be there to welcome us when our days are completed. Until then we will carry you in our hearts.
Diane Haynes (dihaynes@ix.netcom.com)
28 October, 1997
I know your pain, dear loved ones. I too have lost little ones, my first daughter and my first granddaughter. I like to think they are all together, laughing and getting acquainted. I can hardly wait till we will see them all again. God be with you all.
AUDREY SULLIVAN (fluff1@webtv.net)
16 September, 1997
My heart goes out to you.
Laure Schnackenberg (Lschnacken@mhv.net)
14 August, 1997
To Miles Paul Whilsted who danced on this earth for such a short time know that you are thought about and will live on in the lives of your family members.
Ron Mestauskas (droonna@sprintmail.com)
09 July, 1997
Dear Family of Miles, I feel a great deal of sorrow for you all. It is not much to say at such a sad time but OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST will see that MILES will forever be in peace. I am sure that he is waiting for you and watching you.
R.M. in NY