
Chung-Koo Kim ❀ Visitors & Flowers

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21 October 2016

Dear Master Kim,

So many times have I thought of you and your kindnesses, your presence and your influence in my younger life.  Both you and Haeng Sook were so giving and gracious.  I want you to know that the deep gratitude I feel for life nowl was fostered at your home.  It was a refuge for me during a time of loneliness.  and need.  I wish you peace.  Haeng Sook , please, if you or your family members read this, I would love to hear from you.

With loving kindness, (metta)

Gay (Martin) Cady <>

26 October 2015

Fall and Halloween bring vivid memories of your dad – our best to you, Jean and Maggie!

From Tony

Tony Lee <>

2 October 2007

To Jean and Maggie,

My sisters and I remember you always. Your dad brought laughters, hope, and late night trips to Chinatown in our otherwise dreary existence back in the 70’s when things weren’t so good for us. I wish we could repay our debt to him, and wish only if he was here with us.. We’ve heard through the grapevine that you, Jean, moved out West. We last saw you, Maggie, with your mom at my wedding in the fall of 2000. I have been thinking of your dad unusually a lot lately. Maybe it’s my age, I don’t know. But I aim to visit your dad on his birthday this year. If either of you are near (or far) and would care to join me, call me up. It’s 240) 432-9044. Give my best to your mom, and stay well.


Tony Lee <>

01 October, 2007
Every now and then, the thought of him washes over me. Incomprehensible since we were only connected by incidental dots of our lives. Lesson number one: “We are all accidental tourist.” Curiously, I miss him. I miss him in the way that I wish the world was a better place for me and my sons. I miss him in the way that I wish the Man kind would be. I miss him in the way that makes grown man’s crying soothing. I miss him because I saw in him what a man could be, a beacon among churning darkness. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I knew of his weakness and flaws. Yes, he cussed, smoked, and chuckled at dirty jokes. Oh, he yelled at his Mom, his wife, and his daughters every now and then. But what could a man do amongst sea of women? To hear him tell how he kicked a taxi, riding along side, because the driver cut him off, was funny. He was on his beloved BMW, and he told it with glee. I’m not sure if there was a lesson in that one. But, when he told how he turned around in an elevator and frightened the be-Jesus out of a woman because he really was a frighteningly original looking guy, it was all about surviving with your tenderness intact. It takes a real man to not take himself too seriously, you know. And that woman might not miss him, but I’m sure she remembers him. Fittingly, he didn’t exit espousing some grand theory or enlightenment. He just packed it in. Did I mention how he prepared for his wife and children’s financial future? That his employers voluntarily made good not only the long past due pay checks that he somehow forgot to deposit, but for the months that he was absent due to his illness? You see, he had a way of connecting with people that was shrouded in awe and bound by honor. Yes. He packed it in the way most of us can only hope we would one day. What’s that you say? Only the good die young? I agree. And he was the best of the best. I miss him. May there be more men like Master Kim.

“architecto1” (
30 September, 2002
I wrote these words the moment I got the message that he died on july 4, 1995.
A man
A man of honor.
A man of wisdom, insight and vision.
A man of honesty. Direct and gentle.
A man of strength.
A man of a spirit unbroken.
A man of persistence.
A man of greatness and humility.
A man of character.
A man of love, caring and giving.
Always wanting the best of us.
Challenging us to be our best.
A man that never gave up his values and principles that he lived by every day.
In everything he did he applied what he taught us
And then demonstrated so we can learn from him.
He always listened to us but did not except Our lousy excuses for not succeeding.
His advise was always direct and clear.
Always honest and sincere.
It did not matter if we agreed or not.
His advise was always on target..
Sometimes we didn’t understand but we always Realized his truth years later.
He was gentle when he could have killed us with His words (or his hands).
He will always be with us because he taught us well.
We are individuals that had the unique privilege
To be around when he lived on this earth.
His principles and values he taught through training
Will always continue and be passed on to generations
To come forever.
That is our responsibility to not let his teachings pass
In vain, not to be blown away by the winds of time.
Remember what he left us.
A gift to always be treasured,
To be preserved and protected.
A man of courage to stand up and challenge ideas,
Always looking for the truth in all things and in us all.
A man of principle, looking for ways to get his message
Through our thick heads.
He tried so many ways. we were a challenge, but he
Succeeded because we will continued to reach for those
High ideals for ourselves to reach our pure state.
Tony arce
July 4, 1995

Mark Laderwarg (
28 June, 1998
I can never forget my first teacher (1966 – 1971)

Jimmy Demetri (
Sun, 15 Dec 1996

A River Runs Through It
In Honor Of Master Chung Koo Kim

In my youthful days by chance I wandered upon a Path,
     and the Path led to a magnificent River, singing a siren's Song.
Enchanted , I strolled along Its banks, listening.
I beheld a Man, and I knew the Song's source and Its heart.
Sun sparkled notes dance on golden reflections, in harmony with flowing waters.
I approached the Man, for my soul knew hunger.
The Man smiled and said Follow me and learn my Song,
     and know Its joy, for my Song knows your longing.
In time, I learned to sing His Song, and my soul hungered no more.
Sunlight sparkles, jasmine fills the air, twilight approaches.
The Man walked on, knowing other hungered as I. 
I too walked on, until I met the Others who knew this Song.
And I came to know the Path is not the road, but the friends
     made traveling along Its Way.
And the River I called Ji Do Kwan, and the Man, Master Kim,
     and the Song the Way.
And I know the Song as a River running through it, my life,
     and Its waters refresh my soul.

Jimmy Demetri
August 31, 1995

Joseph C. Preuhs (
Mon, 21 Oct 1996

I am grateful to Master Kim for inspiring my instructor Rick Berry, who is from Chester, PA. I know that Mr. Berry broke away from Master Kim in the early 70’s and I really never knew why. Had I joined the Tae Kwon Do class just a few months earlier at the Boys’ Club in Media, PA. Master Kim would have administered my first test for yellow belt. It was a great loss to me because of the breakaway, Master Kim never returned to our School. I was around thirteen at the time and did stay to receive 1st dan. I learned many things as a result of Master Kim’s impact on our School. I felt compelled to write this because out of the blue on Friday October 18th I typed his name into a computer search engine and much to my suprise his name was there. I didn’t know it was his birthday and the page wouldn’t open for me but sadly enough I saw 1938-1995. I felt strange discovering this on his birthday. God is up to something for someone? Master Chung-koo Kim was of the best in the world, I’m glad I got some of that influence so I too can share it.

Joe Seda (
Fri, 26 Apr 1996

I am proud to post this virtual Monument dedicated to my HeadMaster, Chung-Koo Kim.

I shall be eternally grateful to have had the opportunity to share a priceless part of this noble and generous warrior’s life.

Though he has passed on to his next journey, his memory will live forever in my heart, and his spirit will always be with me.

May God bless his soul.

Thu, 2 May 1996

Thank you for everything: Your friendship, your generosity, your skill, your understanding, your patience and guidance. You gave me more than kicking and punching — Brush and sword in accord. Farewell.