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11 November 2020
We Remember
Barbara Ball
Linda Ball (
16 April, 2000
Hi Dad
Just thought I’d come for a little visit and drop off some carnations. It’s been 13 years and still I get tears in my eyes when I think of you. I miss you. How proud you’d be of your grandchildren and what they have achieved. I know — you can see! You taught us so much — but mostly about the love of families.
Barb Ball (
08 February, 1999
My Dearest Lionel –
It doesn’t seem that long ago
I had you in my life
It seems like only yesterday
Before all of the strife.
You were so tiny and fragile then
I worried about you so
I didn’t want to know the day
When you would have to go.
But now you’re gone and I can see
A shining star above
It shines into my room at night
And tells me of your love.
This star, I think, is you, you see
It comforts me to know
That when I need to talk to you
I just look for your glow.
The glow you brought into my life
When I was graced with you
With every caring hug you gave
You helped my dreams come true.
Your love for me will never die
And nor will mine for you
For you will always be a part
Of everything I do.
– Remembering you always,
Your loving wife Marg.
22 November, 1998
Hi Grandpop,
I graduated from university last weekend. Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Geography. I just finished writing Grammy a thank you card and I thought that you deserved one too. You taught me a great deal in life, way before I ever made it to university. I’m really proud to have made it this far…I think you would be proud too. I love you, Barb
7 April, 1998
Just thinking of you, Grandpop.
Lots of Love,